12- All The Things She Said

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If there was one thing Liv hated about this whole Eurovision lark, it was the persistent testing that had to occur

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If there was one thing Liv hated about this whole Eurovision lark, it was the persistent testing that had to occur. She didn't care about the swab going up her nose and down her throat despite her horrific gag reflex, the nail-biting wait for the results to show wasn't even bad. What she hated was the swab. 

The item brought back memories from when she was fifteen and was in the hospital having tests done after her mother found out what her uncle had been doing to her. Olli noticed her hang back on their second day when the ten had been called to get their tests and he gently pulled her to the side, careful to make sure no other representatives saw them.

"Hey, hey what's going on?" He cupped her face and ran his thumbs over the material of her mask that matched his, black surgical, and held her heaving breaths under his palms.

"Swabs..." Liv's whisper trailed off as her fear-filled eyes darted to the test stations.

"Is everything okay over here?" A Eurovision official approached the two having noticed them stray from the line.

"Is there a separate room I can take her to?" The man nodded and directed the two to a conference room where they were allowed to take their masks off.

"Do I need to get a medic?" Liv shook her head violently.

"I just need a minute."

"Okay then." As soon as the official left, Olli pulled Liv into his arms with one hand on the small of her back and the other cradling the back of her head. He felt her press her forehead into his shirt and said nothing, just holding her close as her shuddering breaths bounced back to fan her own face.

Olivia Musta had never felt more embarrassed in her life.

Here she was, a twenty-three year old woman, having a panic attack over a tiny piece of plastic. She knew she had to tell him why this was happening but she first had to get her breathing under control.

Five things you can see


Four things you can hear

People outside
Electricity buzz

Three things you can feel

Olli's arms

Two things you can smell

Hand sanitiser 
Olli's aftershave

One thing you can taste


Liv felt her breathing slow and eventually even out to normal, allowing her to release her vice-like grip on Olli's jacket.

"You okay?" He still didn't loosen his grip on her, wanting to know she was okay and wouldn't fall apart.

"Mhm. Just...stuff from when I was younger." She could feel his questioning gaze and continued. "I was fifteen when my mom found out my uncle had been abusing me and she took me to the hospital to have all these tests and the swabs just brought that back. It was okay back in isolation but I don't know why it's started up now."

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