13- Love of my Life

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"HOLY FUCKING SHIT THANK YOU FOR NUMBER SIX!" Rodney held her phone high above the four women's heads as everyone in the Finland room were jumping around and screaming with happiness

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"HOLY FUCKING SHIT THANK YOU FOR NUMBER SIX!" Rodney held her phone high above the four women's heads as everyone in the Finland room were jumping around and screaming with happiness. The few minutes they had been in first place had been the most nerve wracking moments of the ten adult's lives and they'd spent it clutching each other with shouts of joy.

Because they did this, Liv and Olli didn't have to hide their loving embrace from the public, although the sharper eye would have noticed the man holding his companion a little tighter than the others surrounding him.

Although, now that the euphoria from the competition had worn off, the ten Finns stood in the airport feeling violently hungover as they scoured the board to look for their flight back to Helsinki. A little girl zipped past them with her brother chasing after her, tired parents staring longingly at the alcohol in Duty Free as their daughter screamed while running around a pillar and nearly careering into an elderly pair who muttered something about 'damn kids better kept on leashes'.

"There we are!" Marina pointed to the top of the board where their plane number now sat with 'NOW BOARDING' in large green letters in the column beside it.

"Thank god for that." Liv groaned and stumbled forward a few paces as the little girl slammed into the back of her knees. It took everything in her to not drop kick the little shit across the whole airport. At the moment she wanted nothing more than to just curl up in her bed and sleep for the next hundred years.

"Rodney if your kid turns out like that I swear I'll slap it so hard it'll be in its twenties when it comes back." Marina wrinkled her nose and stuck her foot out slightly as if going to trip the children before Sabryna elbowed her harshly in the ribs. "What?"

It was as if some force up there hated the group as the two children were on the same plane as them, even better, they were sat directly behind Liv, Rodney and Olli. Olli had drawn the short straw had the middle seat while Rodney was on the aisle so she could easily get up to pee (she claimed to be peeing like a racehorse) and Liv sat at the window which she was all too happy about.

Olli smiled at the lit up expression on his girlfriend's face as she pointed out of the window and excitedly grabbed his arm.

"Look! Those are wheat fields, that one looks like rapeseed, ooh those look like cows! Or maybe horses...giant ants?"

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