9-Come As You Are

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smut this chapter besties

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smut this chapter besties

They were leaving in a week. Two weeks were to be spent isolating in separate rooms in a hotel to ensure no one would develop symptoms of Covid before Eurovision. Rodney had delightfully had her first ultrasound of her baby and was told her due date would be around Christmas Day which made a pleasant difference to the twins who were relentlessly teased for being July babies.

Interviews, promos and Instagram takeovers filled their lives now. Since the announcement that the two bands were to represent Finland, all they seemed to do was work, eat and sleep. Liv and Olli both felt like elastic bands ready to snap at this point. The continuous push to keep a positive mindset and to work took over their brains and their 'best friends who kiss' fantasy was stretched to its limits.

They had done nearly everything but sex to be blunt. Steamy make out sessions on her bed led to clothes landing in pretty interesting areas of her bedroom, the occasional fake plant falling due to a shirt being flung at it in the heat of the moment.

They'd always stopped before anything could happen but that didn't stop hands wandering under the elastic of underwear and peppering soft touches on the most sensitive parts of each other. Calloused fingertips added to the euphoric feeling of the touch and soft panting by the thin skin behind the ear, an apparent similarity of the two which they played to their advantage as they left dark bruises on the areas.

But that had dwindled now. The bass players were very on edge with each other and tended to snap at the other. Bedroom doors stayed closed when all they wanted was to be as they were.


Olivia was stood in front of the sink hand washing a metal food bowl of Fender's and cringing slightly every time a small piece of food brushed her skin. She'd given the husky some wet food that had solidified and required scrubbing quite vigorously. The dual eyed woman huffed as she brought the scrubby side of the sponge over a stubborn section and applied more pressure to pry the stubborn food off.

"What are you looking at?" She looked Fender in the eye and waved his bowl. "You eat like a king don't give me that look." He whined and rested his head on his paws to which Liv sighed and gave him a treat.

"I hate when you guilt trip me." Liv took a tea towel and dried up the bowl, placing it in a drawer and lifting her head when the sound of Olli's door opening broke the comfortable silence.

"Nice of you to appear." She forcefully folded the material in hand before deciding to wash it and threw it in the washing machine. Olli gave a small hum and pulled his phone out. The only sounds after that were the sharp movements as Liv opened another drawer to take out a fresh tea towel and the dull thuds of Olli's thumbs on his phone screen.

The ring on her finger smacked against the counter loudly as she slammed her hands down. She and Olli had decided to get matching bass themed ones not too long ago. It was made from an old piece of fretboard and had two of the thinner strings placed in it, a friendship ring that seemed to be so close to breaking as Liv's bass string had.

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