10-Pass Me By

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"So that one is Ursa Major and that is Ursa Minor

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"So that one is Ursa Major and that is Ursa Minor." The seventeen year old girl pointed up to the clusters of white dots in the inky sky. "Ooh! And that red one is Mars!"

Olli turned his head to gaze at the girl beside him whose face was lit up in a dreamy smile.

"You like stars a lot, huh?"

"Did you know that a star's light still has to reach us after it's dead?" He turned his eyes back to the stars and followed her bitten finger to where she was pointing.


"Yeah so we could be seeing dead stars right now." She shivered slightly on the grass and pulled her thin flannel tighter around her.

"You cold?" Olli sat on his elbow and looked down at the girl who nodded. "Here." He gingerly out his arm around her, allowing Liv to put her head on his chest and gratefully soaked in his warmth.

Waking up next to Olli was something Liv could definitely get used to. She was little spoon and opened her eyes to the tattoo on Olli's bicep being the first thing she saw. His breath was hot on the back of her neck and his hand pressed close to her stomach over the shirt of his she wore. The stubble blanketing his face was softer now and left a pleasant tickle on the base of her neck.

He smiled into her neck when he felt the soft tickle of her calloused fingertips on his arm, tracing the lines etched into his skin.

"Good morning." He mumbled into her skin, pulling her closer to him. Liv turned around so their noses were brushing.

"Hi." She scrunched her nose when Olli kissed the tip of it. She pressed her head into the crook of his neck and sighed through her nostrils. The looming event of two weeks stuck in a room with nothing but her bass, phone and Netflix was something she was definitely not looking forward to. But hey, at least it got her to Eurovision, right?

Liv decided to not bring her acoustic bass, just sticking to having Chess with her, but no amp. The hotel had given each person fourteen covid tests to take each day and log the results. One positive would mean no one could go to Rotterdam and a combination of their two UMK performances would be used instead.


"Hey Sour Revenge family!" The four women in the band had decided it would be fun to each do a video diary of their quarantine time and they would stitch it together to form one big one for the end of Eurovision.

"So today is day one of fourteen in quarantine and the date is the twenty-sixth of April." Liv set her phone up in front of her bed and took a running jump onto it. The mattress sunk under her flung weight and she laughed into the pillows.

"This is gonna be a fun two weeks."


"Hey guys! It is currently-" Liv check the clock on the wall before turning back to the camera. "-five thirty am and I am awake. I usually go for a run right about now or do something to keep me active." She was waving her hands around slightly to emphasise her point.

"So I'm going to give Olli a FaceTime because yoga is pretty much all you can do here. Well, that or kind of standing still stuff." She used a different camera this time to call him. The footage would be in a time lapse but the big smile was clear on her face for the whole time.


"Hey." Liv had dark circles under her eyes and looked, to be blunt, awful.

"Um this is day three and I'll be honest, I haven't slept much. I get pretty bad night terrors when I don't have someone with me. Hence why I always have my dog with me." She was sat on the floor in front of her bed and leaned back with her forearms on her knees.


"Kill me now I am begging you." These isolation days were absolute hell on the dual eyed woman. "I'm telling you, after these next four days I am never leaving Rodney's side ever again."

"I take personal offence to that." Olli spoke from her phone which brought a laugh from Liv.

"You as well." She leaned back in her yoga pose, glad she had tied her hair back as she felt her uncomfortably sweaty skin.

"Have you stopped recording?"

"I haven't been recording today. Why, you gonna say something not PG? If you show your dick or suggest phone sex I will break up with you on the spot."

"Someone's in a mood." Olli smirked at her which made her knees go weak. "Actually I was going to ask you to go for coffee at the airport when we all get out."

"I'd love to! Gives me something else to look forward to."


Liv had never hugged Olli harder than she did at the coffee shop the tenth of May. She'd missed human contact over the two weeks and welcomed the scent of his cologne, the feel of his curls brushing her forehead and he held her close.

"Hi Husky."

"Hi Bass Boy."

"Want to get a drink?" She pursed her lips under her mask and nodded.

"I could go for some caffeine right now." They got their drinks and sat on some benches outside, masks on wrists as the hot liquid took some time to cool.

"I wanted to ask you something." Olli turned to face Liv with a calm expression on his face.

"Oh shit this looks serious. Okay, if you tell me you're pregnant I am walking out of here." Olli let out a breathy laugh through his nose and placed his ankle on his knee, exposing one of the tattoos.

"Liv that's not possible."

"You didn't know how long a human is pregnant for. I'll take my chances."

"In all seriousness, I was wondering if you maybe wanted to be my girlfriend?" The man screwed up his face, ready for rejection with his hand on the back of his neck.

"If not that totally okay! I mean we can establish what we are and go back to before so there a label. Not a label, uh oh god I'm fucking up so badly here."

Liv stopped his rambling by grabbing the sides of his face and pressing their lips together. She smiled against his lips and he smiled back, cupping her cheeks before they pulled away to avoid the uncomfortable feeling of PDA in a busy airport.

"Olli Elias Matela, I would love to be your girlfriend."

"I'm glad Olivia Whatever-Your-Middle-Name-Is Musta." The pair picked up their drinks and walked back to meet the others.

"I hope you know this means every tour and concert we do we're sharing a room." Olli out his arm around Liv's shoulders and pulled her into his side.

"I'm perfectly alright with that if it means I get to wake up to you."

okay this is short but a lot has been going on which I know ive said before but its kind of worse now.

the time for looking at universities is getting close, im seeing my first one on sunday but also my mental health has been declining, I wont say too much as im sure people I speak to away from here are tired but ive found that I have been struggling with anxiety and disorganised eating.

I am seeing someone about this (going to try and make it a weekly thing) but this is so you know why im taking so long to write.

I hope you all have wonderful days 🖤🖤

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