Chapter 9: Suprise?

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My pinky is hella clapped.


//Issei's Mansion/Issei's POV//

"Man, what that training trip was something else, Ain't that right lil bro," I said but Gasper was just looking at the moon, drowning in his thoughts. I snapped my fingers in front of him to gain his attention, it didn't work. "Ok, so you won't respond huh? Let's see you ignore this." I summoned Ebony & Ivory and put the muzzle of the guns near his ears and fired a three-round burst.

"AHHH FUCK!" Gasper cursed as he blocks his ears with his hands. "WHY DID YOU DO THAT FOR?!" He asked me as if I violated him or something. "MY FUCKING EARS ARE BLEEDING! BASTARD!" He would make sailors blush with that mouth of his.

"YOU WEREN'T RESPONDING SO I DID WHAT I HAD TO DO!" I shouted at him making sure that my mouth is near his ears. While this was happening Dio was laughing his ass off at the situation his partner is currently in. "I have not laughed this hard since Giorna was born." Thought the senile bastard.

"STOP SHOUTING MY EARS ARE ALREADY FUCKED! I DON'T NEED YOU FUCKING IT UP MORE!" Alright, geez the kids these days don't know respect. We both calmed down and now there is an awkward silence between the both of us. I decided to break the awkwardness by asking him what the hell he was thinking and he just passed me a letter? "What the hell is this?" I asked him.

"It's a fucking letter so read it." Geez, don't need to be that harsh. "Okay, I will read it then, 'Hello my dear Gasper, We are meant to-'" I continued reading the letter with each line shocking me after the other when I finished the letter I just stared at Gasper then back at the letter then back at Gasper the back at the letter again. "Yeah, I'm engaged," the boy- no, The MAN in front of me said, filling both me and Dio with pride.

"Holy shit, THIS CALLS FOR A CELEBRATION! SIESTA CALL CHEF RAMSEY AND TELL HIM TO PREPARE A BUFFET WE ARE INVITING EVERYBODY FOR MY BRO'S ENGAGEMENT!" I ordered my head maid and she almost trips in going to the nearest phone if it wasn't for me catching her. 

She blushed heavily at our position and got even redder as Xenovia, Asia, and Irina (She knows about God, and Micheal permitted her to stay at Issei's house as a peace offering) who were blushing as well. "NO FAIR!" Irina shouted while rushing me and Siesta ultimately knocking us down to the floor. 

Xenovia and Asia thought that it would be a good time to join in as they jumped us, Asia's elbow knocked the air out of me as she watched to mutch WWE and Xenovia's hand was on my dick and rubbing it. "GET OFF OF ME WOMEN!" I shouted but it didn't help, not at all. I looked to where Gasper is and the little motherfucker was laughing at my fucking situation.

"HAHAHA! THAT'S WHAT YOU GET FOR NEARLY MAKING ME DEAF!" And he just ended my life as the girls care for Gasper as a brother who was now looking at me with fire in their eyes. "Ah shit, I'm in danger." And with that, they dragged me off to my room and stripped me of my clothing.

"Girls let's talk about this, please?" Yeah, I'm fucked both figuratively and literally. Wait, is that the Chains of Enkidu? "You recognize this right?" Irina asked who has her wings still white as ever. "Gilgamesh gave us this so we could use it on you." and with that, the four of them chained me to the bed.

"Wait before you start can we get a camera?" I asked as I wanted to start my plan. "Naughty boy," My sweet Siesta what happened to you? "I didn't know you had that type of kink, Issei-chan," Irina said as she grabbed a camera from seemingly out of nowhere. 

"Nah, It's for a side project of mine." And with that, they removed all of their clothing.


Chapter End

This was a pretty short chapter but hey shit happens

The next chapter is the fruit of this one. 

Pun very much intended.

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