Picking an option

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Makoto was lying in bed staring up at the ceiling. It was about time for him to get dressed and head to the cafeteria to get breakfast before class. He didn't want to move. He was too scared to move.

Makoto didn't sleep at all, he was tired, and he was scared. He stayed up all night to think about the three decisions that Kyoko provided him. The abortion was out of the question. Makoto had no desire to kill an innocent unborn child. However, he was still stuck in two minds about giving the child away or keeping the child, so he and Kyoko can raise it.

Makoto got out of bed, and he headed into the bathroom. He looked at himself in the mirror and saw his pale white face looking back at him.


Kyoko was sitting at a table eating some toast while sipping on tea from time to time.

Sayaka walked into the room and saw Kyoko sitting alone. She walked over to the upcoming detective. "Kirigiri have you told Naegi?"

"I did," Kyoko replied. "He took the news better than I thought."

"So, have you two made a decision yet?"

"No, however, I've provided three choices for him. We will talk after class, and then we will proceed from there."

"I see," Sayaka said, wondering what the three choices were. "Be wary of Togami, by the way."

Kyoko stopped eating her toast and looked at Sayaka. "Why?"

"He has noticed something is wrong, he was asking me questions, but I brushed him off."

"Like what?" Kyoko asked.

"If you two were dating and if that was a link to you not showing up for class when Makoto was out of the country."

"Hmm, well, thank you for having my back, but you can't cover it forever. Soon Ludenberg and Enoshima will notice things are up. Plus, people will begin to notice a bump."

Sayaka's eyes widened for a few seconds in shock. "It seems that you've made your mind up regarding the baby."

"Well, killing the baby was never going to be the option. I would be no better than those murders that I aim to lock away when I become a detective. Also, we both know Naegi would never go for an abortion."

Sayaka titled her head. "So what are the two other options? You said three, but you have mentioned one of them."

"Well, the other two options lead to me giving birth, but that's when the options spilt. One of the options is to give up the baby for adoption. The other option is for Naegi and me to raise it together."

"Together?" Sayaka said, surprised.

"Yes, it would be unfair if I was left with the burden or if Naegi was. But we will go over everything after we speak tonight."

Sayaka began to shake her head. It was a mess, no doubt about it, but how were Makoto and Kyoko going to handle this?

Makoto walked into the cafeteria. Kyoko saw him, and she was shocked at how pale white he was.

Makoto looked over to see Kyoko looking at him. Then he saw Sayaka turned around to look at him, and she was shocked to see the colour of his face.

Makoto walked over to the table. Sayaka walked away to grab her toast. She knew this wasn't her place, but she will ask him how he was in class.

"Hi Kirigiri," Makoto said.

"Naegi, did you get any sleep?" Kyoko asked.

"No, not really," Makoto yawned. "I couldn't sleep. Are you ok?"

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