Makoto's job hunting

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Byakuya was in his dorm room putting on his blazer. He was still trying to figure out what the hell was going on. But after seeing Sayaka turning during her phone call the day before. He wasn't going to take any chance and left.

There was a knock on his door.

"Who is knocking on my door at this time in the morning?" Byakuya groaned. "Surely people are still getting ready for class at this time?"

Byakuya walked over to the door and opened it. He was surprised to see a very tried looking Makoto who was wearing casual clothes standing before him.

"Togami," Makoto yawned. "Have you got a minute?"

Byakuya didn't reply at first because Makoto looked like crap. He wondered if Makoto was ill again. "No, I'm getting ready for class."

"It will be quick, I promise. It's about that job you offered to Hiro."

Byakuya raised an eyebrow. "What job?"

"The one you offered him about four weeks ago. You know the one about cleaning your shoes," Makoto replied.

"I was joking," Byakuya replied.

"Oh," Makoto said, disappointed. "Could make you such a job open? Because I need the money."

"Come in," Byakuya said as he walked away from the door.

Makoto walked into the room and closed the door behind him.

"Right, Naegi," Byakuya said as he folded his arms. "What the hell is going on for you needing to beg at my door looking for a job?"

"Look!" Makoto snapped. "Is the job available or not! Tell me!"

Byakuya was left speechless. He had never seen Makoto snap like that.

"Because I have gotten myself into the biggest mess ever, and I need a job ASAP!" Makoto continued.

"Sorry to say, but the job will never be available to someone like you," Byakuya replied.

"Why?" Makoto said in disbelief. "WHY? Am I not good enough to clean your dirty shoes!"

"Naegi, you need to calm down," Byakuya said calmly. Byakuya didn't like getting shouted at. But he didn't know how to handle Makoto because the latter was never this aggressive.

"Don't you dare tell me to calm down!" Makoto said, annoyed. "Here am I'm offering you my services to clean your shoes, and you're turning me down!"

"Naegi, you are above cleaning shoes," Byakuya replied calmly.

A tear ran down Makoto's right cheek. "I'm not above anything. I'm a stupid person who deserves to only clean shoes for a living. I'm such a screw-up!"

Makoto turned around, opened the door and ran out of the room, closing the door behind him.

Byakuya stood for a few seconds in disbelief. "What the hell just happened there? Was I talking to Makoto? Because it felt like I was talking to someone completely different. I need to ask Kirigiri what is going on. I'm concerned about Naegi."

30 minutes later

Kyoko walked into the classroom and noticed everyone here apart from Makoto, Sayaka and the teacher. Kyoko hadn't spoken to Makoto since he left Fuhito's car yesterday.

Kyoko walked over to her desk and sat down.

"Kirigiri," Byakuya said.

Kyoko turned her head to face Byakuya. "What is it?"

"I had Naegi come to my door this morning, and he was rather aggressive. He needed a job because he was a big mess. You've been closest to him. So is he in trouble?"

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