Kyoko's week

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Kyoko walked into class. Today would be the first of seven days without seeing Makoto. While she hoped Makoto's parents could help improve his mindset. But Kyoko wished he was with her. So she could keep an eye on him.

"Hey Kirigiri," Mondo said. "Where is Naegi? I tried to talk to him, but he didn't answer his door last night."

"He is away home for a week," Kyoko replied. "Listen, Naegi-"

"Yeah, I know," Mondo sighed. "He didn't mean any of the stuff he said yesterday. None of us took any of it to hurt. Because we know Naegi is not that type of person, having three kids on the way without income, it's little wonder how he cracked."

"But still, it was wrong for him to react like that," Kyoko replied.

"Yeah, it was, but the class and I know Naegi will offer us an apology when he comes back. Although, to be fair, I and a few others had a chuckle afterwards when we remember Naegi called Togami a clown."

"Yes, yes, very funny," Byakuya said, annoyed.

Kyoko turned her head towards Byakuya. "Do you have something to say?"

"About what?" Byakuya said, looking confused.

"That goes for you to Enoshima," Kyoko said. "When I was walking to the dorms after see Naegi leave. You two saw me and walked away. If you have a problem with Naegi's attitude, then have the guts to speak to me."

Junko raised her eyebrow. "What makes you assume we were talking about Naegi? Maybe we were talking about something private, and we didn't want you to hear."

"Then why talk about it in the open? Are you two secretly dating or something."

"With her?" Byakuya said, offended. "Please, my tastes are much better."

"Ha! You would be lucky to date someone as beautiful as me," Junko shot back.

The teacher walked into class, causing Junko and Byakuya to shut up.

"Kirigiri," the teacher said.

Kyoko turned her head to the front of the class. "Yes, sir?"

"The headmaster wants to see you straight away," the teacher replied.

'Father wants to see me? Why didn't he text me?' Kyoko thought she got up and left the class. She made her way to the Headmaster's office and knocked on the door.

"Come in!" Jin shouted.

Kyoko opened the door, and she was greeted with a warm smile by Jin, who was sitting at his desk. She closed the door and walked to her father's desk.

"You wished to see me, father?" Kyoko said.

"Yes, Kyoko take a seat," Jin replied. Kyoko sat down. "Now, first off, I want to say sorry for being too realistic with you a few days ago. I wasn't aware you were trying to put a brave face on the situation."

"No, father, you were right," Kyoko sighed. "I'm remaining hopeful for no reason. I'm stuck in a situation that I can't crawl my way out of and make matters worse. Naegi is cracking big time."

"Yes, I received a phone call from his mother yesterday asking for Naegi to be away from the school for a week. Which I accepted, usually, I don't get involved with that type of thing, however-"

"It's because Naegi is the father isn't it?" Kyoko asked.

"Yes, but another reason was Naegi had been stuck here since everything dropped on him. I think it was correct to let him go home for a week to clear his head. And that got me thinking."

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