Big news

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Makoto and Kyoko were sitting on a bench outside the hospital as they waited for Fuhito to come and pick them up. The pair hadn't spoken to each other since they had learned they were going to have triplets.

Makoto was filled with guilt that he had made Kyoko's life much worse. He had pretty much destroyed it. He began to have that niggle in the back of his head that it would have been better if he never went to Hope's Peak in the first place.

Meanwhile, Kyoko was still trying to figure out how they would get out of this mess. She and Makoto needed money fast, but who would hire two barely adults with no work experiences? Then there was the housing problem. The housing agency would never grant the pair a house.

Fuhito rolled up, and he saw the despair in the young couple's faces. Makoto and Kyoko got into the car and didn't say anything.

"What's wrong?" Fuhito said as he looked over his shoulder to face Kyoko. "Is the baby ok?"

Kyoko didn't reply at first as she let out a massive sigh. "The babies are fine."

"Babies?" Fuhito replied as he raised an eyebrow. "Are you expecting twins?"

"No, one better, triplets."

Fuhito was stunned he didn't know how to reply, so he drove away.

"Naegi," Kyoko said, looking at him.

"Yeah?" Makoto said quietly as he looked at her.

"Are you still committed to having the children?"

"Yeah," Makoto nodded. "I want to keep them still even though it would be in our best interest to give the children to an adoption centre. Do you still want to keep the children?"

"Yes," Kyoko replied. "I needed to ask because it was a big bombshell that just landed on us."

Makoto put his head down. "I will never abandon you or the children. I know things look like crap, and we are both in big trouble. But I will never leave your side Kirigiri. I need time to think and find the courage to phone the folk."

"I can be at your side if you want?"

"No," Makoto said, shaking his head. "I will tell them alone. The last thing I need is for you to listen to my mother rant or being overbearing."

"Kyoko," Fuhito said. "You will need to tell your father straight away."

"I was planning on telling him when I got back," Kyoko replied. "I hope he takes the news well."

30 minutes later

The trio had arrived back at the school. Makoto quickly said his goodbyes and got out of the car, and headed to his dorm room.

"Will he be alright?" Fuhito asked.

"I'm not sure," Kyoko answered. "I will speak to him tomorrow. I think Naegi needs a goodnight sleep."

"Hmm, by the way. When are you two going to drop the second names?"

"What do you mean?" Kyoko asked, staring at Fuhito.

"Well, you two are in a relationship, and both of you are going to become parents to three children. I find it out how you two are still on second name terms."

"To be truthful, I haven't thought about it. I don't have Naegi has nither."

"Ah, truth," Fuhito said. "There is something I want to know."

"Regarding what?" Kyoko asked.

"How you two ended up having sex?. You are much smarter than that, Kyoko. You wouldn't allow yourself to hop into a man's bed without protection because you know the risks. So I want to know the truth. What happened?"

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