A big break

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Three months had passed since Makoto agreed to become Sayaka's PA. It was the middle of June, and the summer had truly arrived. The weather was fantastic, apart from the few days that it rained.

Kyoko was due for her second and final scan in two days. She and Makoto were due to find out the sex of their triplets, and they agreed to keep it a secret. Speaking of the pregnancy, there was no doubt now that Kyoko was pregnant from an outside looker. She had a proper bump now.

Makoto was in the cafeteria, finishing his dinner while writing down a note in his work diary. He enjoyed being Sayaka's PA and managed to get her to attend tiny events.

While the money wasn't perfect, he was doing a far better job than Sayaka's old PA, and Sayaka was beginning to get noticed. Makoto received a cheap phone from Sayaka for work. Sayaka did this, so Makoto didn't need to use his own phone to do business.

"Makoto," said a female voice.

Makoto looked up to see Kyoko and Sayaka standing close to him. "Oh, sorry, Kyoko, Maizono, I never saw you there."

Sayaka put her hands on her hips. "I'm sure surprised you're still here. I thought you have finished your dinner and be back in your dorm room."

"Nah, I was too busy looking at the diary. It seems pretty empty."

"Yeah, some weeks are like that," Sayaka replied. "But hey, no big deal," she smiled. "Thanks to you, more people have remembered my name."

"That is true," Makoto sighed. "It's shocking how poorly your agency has treated you and the other girls. Giving you all crap PAs to save costs."

Kyoko took a seat at the desk. "Makoto, every company is like that. Save costs, maximum the profit."

"I guess it's still wrong, though. Anyway, how are you and the kids?" He asked.

"We are good," Kyoko smiled.

Makoto smiled in return then his work phone began to ring. He picked it up. "Hello?"

Sayaka sat down at the table and looked up with interest.

"Yes, this is Makoto Naegi, Sayaka Maizono's PA. May I ask who is calling?" Makoto said as he began to write something down. "Yes, that sounds good," Makoto nodded. "Yes, tomorrow at two is fine. Can you have a car to pick us up at Hope's Peak Academy?... Fantastic, I shall inform my client. Thank you, goodbye." Makoto put down the phone and wrote a few things in his diary.

"Quick and smooth," Sayaka said.

"I must say I'm impressed, Makoto," Kyoko nodded.

"Don't be. It was nothing special," Makoto replied. "Maizono had an empty week, and it was an easy booking."

"So what am I doing this time?" Sayaka asked.

Makoto finished writing the note, and he slid the diary over to Sayaka. She picked up the diary and began to write.

"Wait..." Sayaka said slowly. "This name, it's a TV show that helps young singers get noticed."

"The woman on the phone said that she and a talent committee saw a few clips of you on social media, and they were very impressed," Makoto replied. "The big heads of the TV show were very keen to see you perform live. The woman spoke to the agency, and they give you the green light to perform."

"Naegi! This is our chance!" Sayaka said excitedly. "If I do well on TV, then everyone will take notice of me!"

"I wish you well," Kyoko said, smiling.

Sayaka looked at Kyoko. "Thank you, Kirigiri," she said with a smile. 'I can't let them down. I have the chance to put myself on the map and help Kirigiri and Naegi make money.'

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