Despair for Makoto as Kyoko turns 18

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It was Kyoko's birthday, today she turned 18, and she was just one month away from giving birth to the triplets.

However, it wasn't a good start to the day as she felt sick, and Makoto was very concerned. The latter was in the kitchen making breakfast while Kyoko was in her bed.

Makoto had to go today out as Sayaka was in the middle of getting a sponsorship deal, and she needed her agent to trash out a good deal. Thankfully for Makoto, Jin would be over within minutes when Makoto phoned Jin about Kyoko's condition.

Makoto got Kyoko's yoghurts ready while he made himself toast. He put the toast on a plate, put the yoghurt on the plate and left the kitchen.

Makoto reached the stairs when he heard someone knocked on the front door. Makoto headed to the door and unlocked and opened it to find Jin on the other side carrying a designer bag.

"Morning Makoto, how is Kyoko?" Jin asked as he walked into the house.

"Things haven't changed since I spoke to you this morning," Makoto replied. "I'm hoping some yoghurt can perk her up. I'm heading up to see her."

Makoto walked upstairs with Jin, following him, and the pair reached the bedroom. The first thing the two men notice that Kyoko was in clear discomfort.

Makoto rushed over to Kyoko's side. "Are you ok?"

"I'm in pain," Kyoko said as she held her stomach. The babies are getting too restless."

Jin walked over, and he placed the bag on Makoto's side of the bed. "Do you want to go to the hospital?"

"No, I'm fine," Kyoko replied. "Once the babies stop moving, I think I will be fine." Kyoko leaned her head back and closed her eyes. "Makoto, do not expect me to have more children after this, you hear me!"

"Three is enough," Makoto said. "I don't want to see you in this state ever again."

"Me as well," Kyoko said, taking slow breaths. "I'm not looking forward to the next four weeks. How can one stomach hold three babies?"

"You should consider yourself lucky, Kyoko," Jin said. "There have been women who have carried four or five children in their stomach."

"I'm happy with three," Makoto said. "Knowing my luck, there is a fourth baby that hid during the two scans."

"There better not be!" Kyoko said as she glared at Makoto.

"Hey, I was only joking," Makoto said nervously. He put the yoghurts on Kyoko's bedside drawer then he began to eat his toast.

"Happy birthday, by the way," Jin said. He picked up the back and leaned over, and handed it to Kyoko.

Kyoko put the bag on the floor. "I will look at what's inside later. Right now, I'm not in the mood."

"Understandable," Jin replied. "So, Makoto, when are you leaving?"

"About an hour from now," Makoto replied. "Hopefully, I won't take too long."

"What sort of sponsorship deal is Maizono getting?" Kyoko asked.

"It's with shoes oddly," Makoto answered. "The company in question wants to model Maizono wearing the latest brand. Even though, Maizono hasn't made it big yet."

"That's all down to you," Kyoko said. "You're doing such a good job. She is getting noticed a lot more."

"Nah, that shoot on TV is what helped her," Makoto said. "I'm a mere agent."

"Ah, but you're the one who is making things happen. Without you, Maizono wouldn't be getting the deals."

"I guess," Makoto said, shrugging his shoulders. "Maizono said to me, if she signs this deal, then I'm getting a small cut of the profit."

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