Chapter 11

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"Louis, my mom is gonna be here soon." Harry said. Louis was writing down a list for Anne. Zayn, Liam, and Niall were watching t.v. waiting for their grandma to arrive. Harry heard the doorbell and walked to the front door. "Hi Mum." Harry said, hugging Anne. "Hi Harry." Anne said. Harry led her inside. "Boys, come say hi to grandma Anne." Zayn, Liam, and Niall got off the couch and walked over to Anne.

"Hi grandma Anne." Liam said. "Hi Liam." Anne said. "Hi." Zayn said, hiding behind Harry's legs. "Zayn don't be shy." Harry said to Zayn. "I heard you like Power Rangers." Anne said. Zayn smiled and nodded his head. 'Hello Niall." Anne said, bending down to Niall's level. "Hi." Niall said. Louis came out of the kitchen and said hello to Anne. "Harry, are you ready to go?" Louis asked. "Yeah." Harry replied.

"Where you going, Daddy?" Niall asked Louis. "Me and Daddy Harry are going out to eat." Louis replied. "Bye boys. Bye Anne. See you guys later." Louis said. "Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!" Niall shouted, tears falling down his cheeks. Harry and Louis expected this to happen because Niall is afraid that they will leave him. Louis and Harry got out of the house before Niall's breakdown. It broke their hearts to see Niall upset or any of the boys for that matter but they never get any time themselves.

Louis got in on the drivers side while Harry got in on the passenger side. Louis drove to the restaurant where they had reservations. After dinner, Louis and Harry were going to go back home. Louis and Harry arrived at the restaurant and Louis parked the car. Harry and Louis got out of the car and walked into the restaurant.

At the Tomlinson-Styles household

"Niall, shh. Daddy Harry and Daddy Louis are coming back." Anne said, trying to calm Niall down. "Promise?" Niall asked. "Promise." Anne replied, putting Niall down so he could play with Zayn and Liam while she got dinner ready. "What do you boys want for dinner?" Anne asked them. "Pizza." Zayn, Liam, and Niall replied. "Okay." Anne said, walking into the kitchen to put the frozen pizza in the stove.

After they ate dinner, Anne cleaned up and gave the boys a bath. "Liam, Niall, Zayn. Time to take a bath." Anne said. Zayn and Liam took their clothes off while Anne helped Niall take his off. Anne washed the boys up and was watching them play until they wanted to get out.

Back to Harry and Louis

Once Harry and Louis finished eating, they got back in the car and Louis drove home. Louis parked the car and he and Harry went into the house. Anne was sitting on the couch watching t.v. waiting for Harry and Louis to come home. "Hi Mum. We're back." Harry said. Little did they know, Niall was awake and could hear his daddies talking downstairs. He went down the stair quietly so no one could hear him. "Daddy Haz, Daddy Lou!" Niall shouted, running over to Louis and Harry.

"Niall, aren't you supposed to be in bed? Louis asked, picking Niall up. "Yes." Niall replied. "Thanks for watching the boys." Louis said to Anne. "No problem. Bye." Anne said. "Ni, do you want to sleep with Daddy and I?" Harry asked Niall. Niall nodded his head before resting it on Louis' shoulder and falling asleep.

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