Chapter 18

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Harry and Louis made a doctors appointment for Zayn, Liam, and Niall. They are taking the boys to the doctors for a check-up. "Boys, come get your shoes on." Harry told Zayn, Niall, and Liam. Louis helped Zayn tie his shoes while Liam slipped his shoes on. As Harry was putting Niall's shoes on, Liam asked, "Where are we going, Daddy Harry?"

"Daddy and I are taking you guys to the doctors for a check-up." Harry replied. "C'mon, boys. We gotta go." Louis said. Harry buckled Niall and Liam in their car seats while Zayn buckled himself. Louis was in the drivers seat so Harry hopped in the passengers seat. The doctors wasn't that far from their house. Louis parked the car and got out too unbuckle Liam. Harry got out to unbuckle Niall while Zayn got out.

Harry carried Niall while Louis held Liam and Zayn's hands and walked inside the building. Louis sat down while Zayn and Liam played with the toys. Harry handed Niall over to Louis and walked up to the women behind the desk. "How may I help you?" The lady asked Harry. "We have an appointment with Dr. Stevens." Harry replied.

"Name?" The lady asked. "Zayn Tomlinson-Styles, Liam Tomlinson-Styles, and Niall Tomlinson-Styles." Harry replied. "Okay." The lady said. Harry walked over to Louis and sat down next to him. "Zayn Tomlinson-Styles, Liam Tomlinson-Styles, Niall Tomlinson-Styles." The nurse said. Louis followed the nurse carrying Niall while Liam, Zayn, and Harry followed behind him.

They walked into a room and Harry put Liam on the table. Louis sat in one of the chairs with Niall and Zayn on his lap. "The doctor will be with you shortly." The nurse said, leaving the room. A few minutes later, Dr. Stevens walked in. "Hello. I'm Dr. Stevens." Dr. Stevens said. "Who's going first?" Harry asked. "Me." Liam replied. "Okay." Harry said. Dr. Stevens checked Liam's ears, eyes, and throat. Then he listened to Liam's heart.

"I'll be right back." Dr. Stevens said. He left the room to go grab the shots. Dr. Stevens walked back into the room and pushed Liam's sleeve up. "Daddy, what's the doctor doing?" Liam asked Harry. "He's giving you a shot. Do you wanna hold my hand?" Harry asked. Liam nodded his head as the doctor was wiping where he was gonna put the needle.

Liam squeezed Harry's hand when Dr. Stevens put the needle in his arm. A few seconds later, Dr. Stevens took the needle out of Liam's arm and put a Band-Aid on the spot. Harry took Liam off of the table and put Zayn up there. Dr. Stevens checked Zayn's eyes, ears, and throat. He then listened to Zayn's heart. "Everything is good." Dr. Stevens said. He picked up another needle out of the tray. Dr. Stevens pushed up Zayn's sleeve.

Dr. Stevens was wiping the spot where he was going to put the needle when Harry asked Zayn, "Do you wanna hold my hand?" "No." Zayn replied. Dr. Stevens put the needle in Zayn's arm. "Ow." Zayn said. Dr. Stevens took the needle out and placed a Band-Aid on Zayn's arm. Harry took Zayn off of the table and Louis sat on the table with Niall in his lap.

Dr. Stevens checked the same places on Niall as he did on Liam and Zayn. He picked up the last needle in the tray. Niall's eyes went wide when he saw the saw the needle. He started squirming in Louis' arms. "Niall, stop." Louis said. "No. I don't want shot," Niall said. Dr. Stevens wiped the spot where he was gonna put the needle.

"You're just gonna feel a little pinch." Dr. Stevens told Niall. "No." Niall said. "Niall, what are we getting after this?" Harry asked. "Ice cream." Niall replied. "What flavor are you gonna get?" Harry asked Niall. "Cookie Dough." Niall said, forgetting about the needle until he felt the little pinch. "Daddy, it hurts." Niall said to Louis. "It'll be over before you know it." Louis told Niall. Soon, Dr. Stevens took out the needle and replaced it with a Band-Aid.

"See? All done." Louis said. Dr. Stevens gave each boy a sticker for being good. Niall hid his face in Louis' neck. Louis carried Niall while Harry carried Liam and held Zayn hand. Louis put Niall in his car seat car seat while Zayn buckled himself and Harry buckled Liam in. Louis got in on the drivers side and Harry got in on the passengers side. They drove towards the grocery store to get ice cream.

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