Chapter 17

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"Daddy Haz, Daddy Lou, can Josh sleep over tonight?" Zayn asked. "Sure, Daddy. I'll call his mom and make sure it's okay." Harry replied. "Yay.' Zayn said. Zayn ran upstairs to tell Liam and Niall. "Li-Li, Ni, come here." Zayn said. Liam and Niall walked into Zayn's room. "What?" Liam asked. "Josh is sleeping over. We're having a sleepover." Zayn said. "What sleepover?" Niall asked Zayn. "When someone comes over your house or you go over their house and end up spending the night." Zayn explained.

Liam went downstairs in the living room where Harry and Louis were watching t.v. while the boys were upstairs playing. "Daddy Lou, can me and Niall have a sleepover, too?" Louis asked. "Sure you can." Louis replied. Liam went back upstairs to tell Niall. Harry called Josh's mom and she said that it was okay for Josh to sleep over. Josh was being dropped off at 7pm.

As it was getting close to 7, Louis and Harry were getting dinner ready. Louis heard the doorbell. He walked over to the front door and opened it to see Josh's mom and Josh standing there. Josh was holding his sleeping bag that was outer space themed. "Hi, Mrs. Devine." Louis said. "Hi, Louis." Mrs. Devine said. "Come in, Josh." Louis said to Josh. Mrs. Devine handed Louis Josh's duffel bag that had his clothes in it.

"Bye Mommy." Josh said. Louis closed the front door. "Zayn, Josh is here!" Louis yelled. Zayn came running down the stairs, a huge smile on his face. "Josh!" Zayn shouted, hugging Josh. "Hi, Zayn." Josh said. "Zayn, help Josh put his stuff in your room." Louis told Zayn. "Okay, Daddy. Come on Josh." Zayn said, picking up Josh's duffel bag and going upstairs. Josh followed Zayn upstairs carrying his sleeping bag.

"Boys, time for dinner." Harry says, walking into the living room. Liam, Niall, Zayn, and Josh follow Harry into the kitchen. Harry puts Niall in his high chair while Zayn, Josh, and Liam sit at the kitchen table. "Zayn, Daddy Lou and Daddy Haz said me and Niall can have a sleepover, too." Liam said. "Cool." Zayn replied. Once they finished eating dinner and Louis and Harry were cleaning up, Zayn asked, "Daddy, can Josh and I watch a movie?" "Yeah. Sure. Go pick out a movie to watch." Louis said. Zayn went back into the living room and walked over to where they kept the movies.

"Josh, what movie do you wanna watch?" Zayn asked Josh. "Finding Nemo." Josh replied. "Okay." Zayn said, grabbing Finding Nemo. Liam got off the couch to go grab Toy Story. "C'mon, Niall. Let's go watch this in Daddy Harry and Daddy Louis' room." Liam said. "No. Nemo." Niall said. "C'mon Niall." Liam said. "No. I wanna watch Finding Nemo watch Nemo. Not Toy Story." Niall said. "Daddy!" Liam yelled. Harry and Louis walked out of the kitchen and into the living room. "What, Liam?" Harry asked.

"Niall's not listening to me." Liam replied. "No. Nemo." Niall said. "Niall, we're watching Toy Story." Liam said, hitting Niall on the arm. Niall started crying. "Liam. that was not nice. say you're sorry then go sit in timeout." Louis told Liam. "Sorry Ni-Ni." Liam said to Niall. Liam walked over to the stairs and sat on the bottom step while Harry picked up Niall and sat hi on his lap. "Shh, Niall. It's okay." Harry said, trying to calm Niall down.

Niall stopped crying and Louis put Finding Nemo into the DVD player. "Nemo!" Niall shouted, pointing to the t.v. "Daddy, can we have some popcorn?" Zayn asked. "Sure, I'll make some popcorn for you guys." Louis said. Louis walked into the kitchen. "Liam, you can come out of timeout." Harry said. Liam walked over to Harry, still holding Toy Story.

"Liam, you and Daddy Louis are going to watch Toy Story in my room." Harry told Liam. "Okay." Liam said. Louis came back out with two bowls of popcorn. He gave one bowl to Zayn. "C'mon, Liam. Let's go watch Toy Story." Louis said. Liam Louis went upstairs.

When both movies finished, Harry put Niall to bed while Louis did the same with Liam. Zayn got in his bed while Josh got in his sleeping bag. "Goodnight, boys." Harry said to Zayn and Josh. "Night, Daddy Hazza." Zayn said. Zayn got out of his bed and bent down to give Josh a kiss on his cheek. "Night, Josh." Zayn said, getting back into his bed. "Night, Zayn."

During the night, Liam woke up to Niall screaming and crying. Liam was scared so he grabbed his stuffed turtle and ran to Louis and Harry's room. "Daddy Lou. Daddy Lou." Liam said, poking Louis. "What?" Louis said. "Daddy, I think Niall's having a bad dream." Liam replied. Louis opened his eyes to see Liam standing there. "Okay." Louis said.

Louis got out of bed and followed Liam into Niall's room. "Li, go back to sleep. I'll take Niall in Daddy Harry and I's room." Louis whispered. Liam got back in bed and closed his eyes, Soon he was asleep. Louis took Niall out of his crib and walked to his room. "Niall, wake up." Louis said. Niall slowly opened his eyes and stopped screaming.

Niall still had tears falling down his cheeks. "Shh. It's okay." Louis said to Niall, wiping Niall's tears with his thumbs. "Daddy." Niall said, clutching Louis' shirt. "Did you have a bad dream?" Louis asked. Niall nodded his head. "Do you wanna sleep with Daddy Haz and I?" Louis asked Niall. "Yeah." Niall replied.

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