Chapter 13

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"Boys, do you wanna go swimming today?" Louis asked Liam, Niall, and Zayn. "Yeah!" They shouted. "Okay, let's go get into our bathing suits." Harry said. Harry picked Niall and went upstairs. Louis, Liam, and Zayn went upstairs into Zayn's room to get him changed first.

"Niall, what pair do you want to wear? The one with stripes or the one with the fish on it?" Harry asked. "Those." Niall replied, pointing to the bathing suit with fish on them. "Alright." Harry said, grabbing the swim trunks with the fish design. Once Harry got Niall changed, he went in his and Louis' room to put his bathing suit on.

Zayn's bathing suit had Power Rangers on them, Liam's had stripes, Niall's bathing suit had fish, Louis wore a blue pair and Harry wore a black pair. Harry grabbed the bag that had the boys' floaties, some snacks, and sun screen. Louis put Zayn and Niall in their car seats while Harry put Liam in his. Louis hopped in on the drivers side and Harry got in on the passengers side. They drove to the neighborhood pool.

Louis parked the car and got out to unbuckle Zayn and Liam. Harry got out to unbuckle Niall and grabbed the bag that they packed. Harry gave Louis the bag of stuff while he carried Niall and held Zayn's hand. Louis put the bag on his shoulder and grabbed Liam's hand. Louis locked the car and they made their way to the pool.

Louis put the bag down and unzipped it. Harry put Niall down while Louis got the sun screen and the boys' floaties out of the bag. "Liam, Niall, Zayn, come over here so I can put some sun screen on you." Louis said, while handing Harry the floaties. Harry blew up the boys' floaties while Louis was putting sun screen on them.

Once Louis finished putting sun screen on Zayn, Liam, and Niall, Harry put their floaties on. Harry picked Niall up and walked over to the kiddie pool. Louis, Zayn, and Liam walked over to the regular pool. Louis jumped in leaving Zayn and Liam standing by the edge of the pool.

Louis resurfaced and faced Liam and Zayn, arms outstretched. "Liam, jump in. I'll catch you." Louis said. "Okay, Daddy." Liam said, jumping into Louis' arms. Louis caught Liam and let him go so he could swim around. "C'mon  Zayn. Your turn." Louis said to Zayn. Zayn shook his head no. "Zayn, I promise I'll catch you." Louis said.

"No." Zayn said. 'C'mon Zaynie." Liam said. "Why? What's wrong?" Louis asked Zayn. "I can't swim. What if I drown?" Zayn said. "Z, you're not going to drown. You have floaties on and I'll catch you. "Okay." Zayn said before jumping into Louis' outstretched arms. Louis was playing with Zayn and Liam while Harry was splashing around with Niall in the kiddie pool.

"Daddy, I wanna go in the big pool." Niall said, pointing at the pool. "No. You gotta stay in the kiddie pool. That pool is for big kids." Harry said. "I a big boy, Daddy. I go in big pool." Niall said. "Alright. Fine, we can go in the big pool." Harry said, picking up Niall while getting out of the kiddie pool and walking over to Louis.

Louis stopped throwing Zayn and Liam into the pool so he could catch Niall. Harry put Niall down and said to him, "Jump into Daddy's arms." Niall jumped into Louis' arms and Harry jumped in. They stayed at the pool until the sun started to go down. Once everyone was dry, they got in the car and went home.

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