Chapter 19

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Harry was taking Zayn, Niall, and Liam to the park. They just finished eating lunch and were getting ready to leave. "Daddy, can I bring my soccer ball?" Zayn asked. "Yeah." Harry replied.  They left the house and made their way towards the park. "Swings! Swings!" Niall shouted. "Zayn, I'm taking Niall over to the swings. Watch Liam." Harry said. "Okay, Daddy. C'mon Liam." Zayn said, grabbing Liam's hand and running off to kick the soccer ball around.

As Zayn and Liam were running over, Zayn noticed Josh on the playground. Zayn ran over to Josh with Liam following behind him. "Josh!" Zayn yelled. Josh turned around and saw Zayn and Liam. "Zaynie!" Josh shouted, walking over to Zayn and giving him a hug. "Josh, you wanna kick the soccer ball around with me?" Zayn asked. "Sure." Josh replied. "But Daddy Haz said that you have to watch me." Liam said to Zayn. "Well I wanna play with Josh so just play on the playground. I'll be able to see you." Zayn said. "Okay." Liam said, going over to the monkey bars.

Zayn and Josh kicked the soccer ball back and forth while Liam was doing the monkey bars. Every once in a while, Zayn would glance over at the playground to check on Liam. Liam was almost to the other side of the monkey bars when his hand lost its grip. He fell on his arm and started crying. Zayn heard Liam crying so he and Josh ran over to him.

"What happened?" Zayn asked Liam. "I fell off o-of t-the m--monkey bars. I want Daddy." Liam said in between sobs. "Okay. I'll go get Daddy. Josh stay here with Liam. I'll be right back." Zayn said. He ran over to the swings and saw Harry pushing a giggling Niall. "Daddy, Liam's hurt." Zayn said. "What?" Harry asked. "Liam was on the monkey bars and he fell." Zayn replied. "Weren't you watching him?" Harry asked Zayn. "No." Zayn said. "Why not?" Harry asked. "Because I was playing with Josh." Zayn replied.

"Zayn, I'm very disappointed. I asked you to watch your brother and now he's hurt." Harry told Zayn. Zayn had tears falling down his cheeks. Harry took Niall out of the swing and walked towards the playground with Zayn following behind him. Harry put Niall down and asked Liam, "Where does it hurt?" "My arm." Liam replied. Harry looked at Liam's arm and saw some scratches but nothing too serious. "You're okay." Harry said to Liam.

"Liam, you know that you're not allowed on the monkey bars unless me or Daddy Lou are watching you." Harry said. "I know, Daddy Haz. I'm sorry." Liam said. Harry helped Liam get across the monkey bars and watched Niall play with Zayn and Josh. Zayn was kicking the ball back and forth to Niall and Josh. "Josh, it's time to leave." Mrs. Devine said, walking over to Josh. "Okay, Mom." Josh said. As Zayn and Josh were about to kiss each other on the cheek, they moved their heads at the same time and ended up kissing on the lips.

"Sorry, Josh." Zayn said. "It's okay. I liked it." Josh said. "Oh, well I liked it too." Zayn said. Out of the corner of his eye, Harry saw a light blush on Zayn's cheeks. 'Somebody has a crush.' Harry thought to himself.

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