Arrival of Anticipation

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Chapter 8

      Stretching his arms he turned to the other, who was currently long gone in his unconscious mind possibly conjuring up false visions of the past few days with unexpected twists added to them. Alfred thought before placing the blanket over the other's figure knowing he would be cold, sliding out of bed, readying for the day. Pulling his coat on he slipped a glance to the other once again, he hadn't even moved his position despite all of the noise that had just occurred. 

     The tea idea had worked in the end, it freaked him out seeing how the other begrudgingly crawled into bed complaining of his exhaustion, and what was left to do that he would be unable to accomplish, yet it had worked at a miraculous pace. He still felt wrong about executing this on his Queen, however he saw dramatic change in his performance and no longer required Alfred to be by his side at all times. Yao also seemed to be pleased by how the other was performing, having lost the snap to his mood of having the King standing over the Queen's duties; having full knowledge of the power's gifted to the King and Queen along with their respective abilities. 

      He rushed down to the dining hall, upon entering finding Yao pressing a yawn into his hand. Grabbing a seat he poured a cup of coffee, dropping a few drops of milk into it, "He's still fast asleep." 

      Looking up from his tea he offered a smile, "That's good. I think we did the right thing for him." 

     Alfred hesitated to respond, it still felt wrong, and his mind would repeat that until the guilt ate him, but in a sense it was the right thing to do as the other finally had some rest and wasn't constantly fatigued, "Possibly, but you're never going to get me to agree to that ever again." 

     "Your morals have always been egregious." He yawned, lifting the cup once again to bring up to his lips, "However, we have managed to avoid war so, I suppose they're not so bad." 

     Suppressing his urge to swing back the entire cup he snickered, "I'm not the one you should worry about. I'm not the one with the short-temper."

     "He has the height to match." Yao joked, filling his cup once again.

     "I must agree, he has the eyes of fire to add onto that." He responded finally ignoring all of the manners he had, swigging the coffee down with urge. 

     A chortle left his lips, "He wouldn't like to hear this." He remarked, knowing how the Queen dealt with those who spoke of him behind his back, having seen enough people attempting to outrun him before being trapped in his grasp. 

     "No, our hair would be set aflame." Alfred uttered, knowing how the other played well enough after their undetermined amount of time's the other had gotten into it with Francis, multiple times ending up burning the other's cosmetics and hair supplies as payback whenever the other would stay over for a meeting or just to hang around. Despite the time frame of their last argument Arthur was constantly out for revenge with the flamboyant King who decided to impose himself into their daily lives, merely for his own enjoyment; at one point an argument having sprung against the two, only for a year later for Arthur to set the other's newly-bought winter wardrobe on fire. Alfred had found that this made the other believe that the Spade Queen held a deep emotional regard for him, but thought of the wrong emotion, it was purely hatred and the constant desire to murder the other monarch. 

    Setting down the delicate cup once again he shoved it past him, "Well, never mind that, we should prepare the rest of the arrangements before he awakes." Yao called.

    In hours passed they finally had the ballroom up to standard with help from the castle staff who were more than pleased to have the assistance from the two Royal's, only a few having signed up to do such early work as Alfred had decided they should get the option since they would be on their feet for most of the night. Drapes hung with the Kingdom crest aligning the walls, candles ready to be lit if needed with the room smelling fresh of pollen. Which admittedly was a horrible idea the two agreed after, suppressing the urge to sneeze every few minutes as their allergies were awoken in one quick swipe.

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