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Chapter 9

     Strolling through the crowds he watched as people attempted not to turn their heads, assembled in high neck dresses, many of them having thick lines of lace sewn into them, beads placed around the bodice, other's in pressed suits that mimicked colours of the one they had escorted there. He admired his people, it was common for him to land in the middle of town, before his crowning, brewing up a storm, often by having kids hanging onto his arms, a small crowd gathering to surround him. He had always attracted a crowd, those who were involved in the monarchy never stepping foot when he was around, many adolescents often treading behind his shadow, kids being asked to be picked up, with their parents attempting to tell them they couldn't. The people had established their King before they had come to fully know him, their kids gaining a liking to the young man who would often walk their streets, asking to be spun or carried. It truly had become peaceful, and the people hadn't been fully aware of whom they had become so well liked too, rather it was just a young member of the court who didn't mind roughing up his physical appearance in order to assist. For the town to find that it wasn't one of the noble families but rather the future King had many appalled, a few were frightened and kept their distance once the news had broke within the first few weeks, nevertheless the boy they knew never changed, simply he just became a friend who they could rely upon during harsh winters. It was true he was easily distinguished, based on how other's described him that was to say, his hair being the dead give away, yet he found one person had made themselves slightly more acclaimed among the town, a rumour having spread about the man who sought a hearing with those who took up residence in the royal court, though constantly being denied. 

    Alfred had grown extremely curious at that point, wondering who would seek such a high demand to make an appearance in-front of the court, especially since hearings were often set alone for crimes that were more than petty thievery. Once the rumour had made it's way past the gates restrictions were set in motion for the monarch and his advisor, another one wouldn't be born until they were close to the end of their life spans, and without one the Kingdom's were often set off balance by the struggle of power; while the person was seeking an appearance there was no reason as to why, and with the new King having been crowned not so long ago people within the walls became anxious it was a possible assassin. Upon a dreary day the doors had finally slammed open, startling Yao who almost fell over himself as the monarch reached to help steady his advisor. Watching as the other took a few deep breaths muttering under his breath how he was going to have a heart attack at this rate, and clenching onto the robes of the King attempting to steady himself.

     Gazing in-front of them a man walked in with a grace, you could hear through the loud clicks of his shoes he meant business though, people rushing in after him as he glared furiously at the King who couldn't draw his gaze from him. Messy blonde hair damp from the slight down-pour, a loose dress shirt and tie with mud covering every inch of his clothes, and the biggest brows the two had ever seen. If Yao had been given a clear view of the other, who still held his hand on the other's back, he would have slapped him, his jaw almost unhinged and face red. "You!" 

      Storming up the steps Yao stiffened, guards trying to catch the other who pushed them back with no mercy to be seen in how quick he swiped at them, took to a halt when facing the taller one. Alfred had become aware that his face was more red than the women who would use beet root as a blush, but found the other's fury quite humorous when the other stood at his height, shorter by more than a few inches. That humour dissipated as the other tightened his death glare, ready to drag the King down by his tie before lowering his hand.   

    Yanking down the hem of the shirts collar, "Remove this mark this instant!" His brows furrowed even more, baring the canines of his jaws structure as he yelled.

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