Chapter 13

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He Opened his eyes. The bright red glow creating a small amount of light in the dark room. He stood from the bed carefully not to wake the sleeping figure beside him. With careful steps he walked to the open window and looked out to the bright moon in the black sky. He stood there for what felt like hours before he felt her nails run across his chilled skin. He smirked as he looked down to the woman and wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her in.

"Is everything alright, love?" she asked with a yawn.

"Yes, just thinking." She hummed as she leaned her head against his chest. "I think we need to change the plan and move in now." He kissed her head and lead her back to the bed.

"Everything is going perfectly fine as it is, why the sudden urge to push forward."

"His mind is mending with mine, he saw another dream of what is going to happen at the wedding. If we move in faster we get the throne, get him out of the way, and there is a smaller chance of your son getting in the way."

"Nothing is going to stop us from getting that throne, even if my dumb ass son gets in the way we will just have to end him to. Now can we please go back to sleep?" She asked tiredly. He smiled and kissed her lips laying down beside her and hugging her close.

Sleep well young prince. Sleep well...


Hello everyone! Im sorry this chapter i not as long or as good as the others. truth is im having trouble finding the motivation i had when i first started. im trying though. again im sorry this chapter isn't a good but i wanted to try and write something to see if i could get back in my groove.

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