Chapter 4

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The first class of the day, Mingi sat right next to Yunho. Mingi sat leaned back in his chair glaring at their professor. Yunho sat up straight and was for the most part paying attention. Yunho rested his head against his hand, which his elbow neatly propped him up, as he lazily took notes. Mingi on the other hand was staring at Yunho, taking in all his features. The angle of his jawline, the veins popping from his hands, the shine to his eyes. For the last hour and a half they sat there in this same position. Mingi was just taking in all of Yunho's features, drawing a mental picture of this exact image because he knew he was never going to be this close to something so beautiful, ever again. As Yunho continued to Lazily take notes, he felt his eyes start to get tired. He tried to stay awake but he couldn't. His eyes slowly closed and before he knew it he was in a semi-deep sleep.

Mingi smiled as he saw yunho fall asleep, Mingi leaned forward in his chair laying his arms on the desk, and laying his head on his arms as he continued to look at Yunho. While Both boys were in their own trances, Their professor caught them. she walked over and slammed her hands onto their table. Both boys jumped and looked up at her with wide eyes.

"Mr. Jeong, if you are really that tired, do it somewhere other than my classroom. Mr. Song if you insist on staring at Mr. Jeong then do it outside of class!'' She went back to teaching. MIngi turned a light red color, Yunho looked at him with wide shocked eyes. MIngi got flustered and before his blush got worse he stood up and stormed out of the room. Yunho watched him leave as his cheeks faintly heated up. After mingi left hongjoong, wooyoung, and san soon followed their leader as the other students continued with their class.


After a couple boring classes Yunho finally made it through the day, all he wanted to do was go home and sleep, his loving thoughts of his bed were soon interrupted by a very happy Jongho.

"Hey Yunho! Ready for training?" Jongho wrapped an arm around Yunhod=s shoulder, dragging Yunho down to his level.

"Oh..Yeah I'm ready.. Just a little tired" Yunho replied with a small yawn.

"Well you better wake up, My trainer doesn't take excuses and he will work you to the bone." Yunho grabbed his stuff and walked out with Jongho.

Jongho went to his car with Yunho following behind him.

It was a short drive to a gym that lived in the city. Jongho was excited-as he always was- to train. Yunho on the other hand, was not expecting to get his ass kicked. He wasn't prepared for it, but at least this way he won't have to deal with Damian anymore.


Sorry if this is bad like i said, I write diffrently and all the inbetween -not-so-important- scenes are harder for me to write

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