Chapter 8

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"Help..." Mingi called out to the dark room around him, his small voice echoed through the cold building. He shook with fear, all he could do was sit and wait. The cold metal chains around his wrists and ankles were starting to dig in. His throat was hoarse from all the crying, his whole body was sore from the beatings, he was tired, cold, hungry, and all he wanted was to curl up in his grandmother's arms and cry. Cry until he couldn't breathe, cry until all his pain went away.

"Aww...don't cry little pet, everything will be alright." A voice said with a chuckle at the end. Footsteps were heard, Mingi was scared he hugged his knees to his chest and closed his eyes as tight as he possibly could.

"Get away! Please just leave me alone" Mingi cried out. A strong hand grabbed a handful of his hair and dragged him to his feet, and threw him across the room followed by a strong kick to the torso. Mingi hugged himself and weezed as he looked up at the figure to see a set of glowing red eyes, and a sinister smirk. More tears fell from his eyes, but he heard another voice...a man's voice, calling his name.

"Mingi?" He looked around the dark room, he didn't see anyone.he tried calling for help, but no words came out. "Mingi!"The voice called again, he tried to crawl toward the voice, but was grabbed by the red eyed demon. The red eyed demon looked him dead in his eye and simply said.

"I'll see you soon..." Followed by an evil laugh.

Mingi opened his eyes and abruptly sat up panting, as sweat covered his body and tears covered his face.

"Mingi? Are you okay?" He looked to his side and saw Yunho sitting next to him with a worried look on his face. Mingi couldn't get words out, he started crying again. He started to have a panic attack trying to explain what happened to Yunho. Yunho noticed Mingi panicking so he did the only thing he thought was best. He sat behind mingi pulling him into his lap and wrapped his arms tightly around mingi, no matter how hard he fought Yunho held him tightly.

"It's okay Mingi! It won't hurt you! I'll keep you safe, I promise." Yunho said, After hearing that Mingi stopped Fighting against Yunho and broke down crying, even more than he was before.

It only took about a half hour for Mingi to calm down completely. Yunho let Mingi go and they sat on Yunho's bed in silence for a few moments before finally Mingi broke the silence.

"Thank you...." Mingi cleared his throat and sighed, looking down at his hands.

"What was Your dream about?" Yunho asked hesitantly, Mingi looked up at him and was about to start crying again, he pulled himself together, took a deep breath and spoke.

"He's been Haunting my dreams, since we were set to be married..." Mingi looked Yunho in the eye. "Each dream is different from the last, running through the woods, or being beaten, but this time I was locked up in like a dungeon or something. He was there keeping me hostage, and laughing as I cried out for help..." Yunho grabbed Mingis hand, and gave it a reassuring squeeze.

"Who?" Yunho asked.

"The red eyed demon..." Yunho looked at him with wide eyes, remembering back to the dream he had. Yunho then frowned and looked mingi deep in the eye. "Mingi, I swear to you, no matter what happens, no matter how much we hate each other. I will NEVER let him get you or anyone else. I promise you, I will keep you safe from him." Mingi looked at yunho as tears ran down his face, Mingi lunged at Yunho and hugged him tightly.

"He said he would see me soon..I'm so scared Yunho..." Yunho drew comforting circles on Mingis back.

"I won't let him hurt you...I promise."


Sorry this is so short, and horrible but i felt bad for not updating a while ago.

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