Chapter 6

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Mingi watched as Damian Dragged Yunho off to his room, Mingi felt a pang to his heart seeing the young prince cry and be dragged off, as if he was some sort of ragdoll in the arms of a child.

"Please tell me it isn't true," Mingi said, turning to his mom.

"Mingi, it's all part of the plan. Don't worry, everything ill work out in the end." His mother replied, moving his bangs off his forehead and kissing it gently. She smiled sweetly at her son, as he looked to the king and queen.

"Mingi, this is a great thing, it will be uniting our families. It will be a mark in the history books." The queen smiled as she spoke. Mingi sighed and nodded, and looked to the hall Yunho was dragged off to.

"He will come around. Yunho is very headstrong, and stubborn at times but he will come around. You both just have to spend more time together." The king said with a sigh. "Which is why, you and yunho will be put under full protection. And i know you both can protect yourselves so i will only have my guards with you at a fair distance so when needed you simply call for help and they will come."

"Thank you. I wouldn't want anything to happen to my son." His mother replied.

"Of course no harm will come to him, and we will have all of his things brought to the castle, so he will continue to be under protection."

"The castle? You mean I have to stay here?" Mingi said, surprised.

"Well of course, it's only normal the soon to be kings live together in the same room."

"But-" Mingis mom interrupted him before he could finish.

"Well, it's been a long day. Mingi why don't you head up to yunho's room and get settled in, i'll have all your things packed up for you." His mother forced him to his feet and started pushing him down the hall.

"Wait, what about hongjoong? I can't just leave him at the house alone."

"No worries, your friends are always welcome in your new home." The king and queen smiled creepily at him as he walked farther down the hall. He passed Damian on his way to Yunho's room, He came to a door and only guessed it was Yunhos room as he heard crying come from the other side of the door.

Mingi took a deep breath and knocked on the door. To his surprise the door opened to reveal Jongho standing there.

"What do you want?"

"The king and queen said I had to stay in here." He heard quick footsteps, Jongho was pulled away from the door, it swung open and a hard smack was delivered across his face. He took a few steps back as he held his face, he looked up to see an angry Yunho.

Yunho had red eyes, and tear streaks running down his face. Yunho then slammed the door to his room, MIngi sighed and sat against the wall across from the door.

Yunho sat down on his bed and cried a little bit more.

"Yunho.." Jongho sat next to him and rubbed his back, Jongho took his phone out and messaged Yeosang and Seonghwa, telling them it was a code Black.

"What am i going to do?" Yunho said through his soft cries. "I can't believe they did this to me..."

"We will figure something out Yunho, you know I'm always here for you." Jongho hugged his best friend tightly. All four princes knew they would have to marry someone at some point, and their parents promised each and everyone of them it would be on their own terms not on an arranged marriage. Yunho hugged Jongho like his life depended on it, and sobbed into his shoulder.


Yunho had finally tired himself out and fell asleep on his bed, Jongho was running his hand through Yunho's hair when the door opened. Jongho was ready to get up and kick Mingi out of the room, but to jonghos relief it was Seonghwa and Yeosang. They barged into the room, frantically searching around once their eyes landed on a sleeping Yunho and Jongho trying to tell them to be quiet, they carefully closed the door and sat on the bed around Yunho.

"We came as soon as we got your message jogho." Yeosang said.

"Is it true? Is it really code black?" Seonghwa asked, as he worriedly looked at Yunho.

"Sadly yes...and you will never guess who it is."

"Who?" Yeosang and Seonghwa said in unison, careful not to wake Yunho.

Yunho stirred in his sleep, the other three boys went dead silent and watched him hoping he would stay asleep, when Yunho calmed down Jongho signed, continuing to run his hand through Yunho's hair.

"Song MIngi." Jongho Sadly said as he looked down at his best friend.


Its a bit of a shorter chapter but i still updated, ill try to update again. but life is kind of crazy right now.

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