Chapter 5

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Yunho limped out of the gym heading to Jonghos car. Jongho was nice enough to carry Yunhos bag for him, as he knew just how sore the tall male was.

"Doing okay Yunho?" Jongho asked once they got into the car. Yunho plopped into the passenger seat with a groan.

"You weren't kidding when you said he would work us to the bone." Yunho silently replied, he weakly buckled his seatbelt as Jongho started his car and drove off. "How long did it take for the soreness to go away?"

"Well, it took me at least a week of constantly doing it to get used to it, but trust me it gets worse." Yunho groaned again, laying his head on the window. Before he knew it he was sound asleep.

It seemed as if only minutes passed because Jongho was shaking him awake.

"Hyung, wake up. We are home." Yunho nodded and rubbed his eyes, slowly unbuckling his seatbelt and got out of the car, He strung his bag up on his shoulder and walked with Jongho into the large castle that stood high and proud at the edge of the city.

Yunho and the other three princes have been friends for years, but Jongho has mainly always been there. Especially after Yeosang and Seonghwa got together it's almost impossible for them to come over and do anything. So everyday after school Jongho always goes to yunhos, they spend the nights playing video games and complain about their families hounding them to be the best kings they could ever be, then fall asleep for the next day to go to school and start the whole routine over again.

Today was different though. Yunho didn't know why, he just felt like something was off.He walked through the main doors and headed to the second floor to meet his parents in the family living room. Instead of his parents sitting there drinking tea and reading, he was greeted by his parents sitting in their chairs with an almost blank expression on their faces, along with another woman sitting on the couch in front of them. Three sets of eyes turned to yunho and jongho.

"Yunho dear, you're home." His mother said in a very odd monotone voice.

"I didn't expect Jongho to be joining you" His father added in the same monotone.

"What? Jongho has been coming over everyday after school since kindergarten" Yunho said confusedly, walking over to give his mother a kiss on the cheek, instead of getting one in return she seemed to pull away from him.

"Yunho, sit down. Please join us, we have a few people we'd like you to meet." His father said.

"A few? I only see-" Before he could finish his sentence the door opened and closed, revealing a familiar red haired boy with his annoying leather jacket, that jiggled as he walked because of all the chains and pins connected to it. He came in and walked to the woman sitting on the couch and kissed her cheek, sitting next to her.

"Sorry I'm late mother, The guards wouldn't let me in." He looked up and locked eyes with Yunho, his face dropped as he stared into his eyes.

"Why are you here?" Yunho grumbled.

"uhh....Yunho ill see you in your room" Jongho bolted for the stairs and ran for yunhos room, Yunho dropped his bag and sat down.

"Mother, why is he here?" Yunho asked but got a blank stare in return. He looked to his father who stood up and cleared his throat.

"Now that we are all here i think it's about time we got down to business. Yunho this is Mrs. Song and her son Mingi. As you know Mrs. Song is the leader of a very powerful gang... we have rumors of an attack coming to the kingdom, so your mother and I have Hired her and her gang to come and protect us." Yunho was now glaring at mingi, mingi returning the look. "But, she would only agree to it, is her son was sworn in to be prince and then later take over as king-"

"But she can't do that because only royal blood can have the throne...Unless....." He looked at his parents with wide eyes, then to Mrs. Song who had a slight smirk on her face. "Oh no. no fucking way am I marrying that asshole."

"Jeong Yunho!! Watch your mouth!" His mother yelled at him, He tried to argue back but his father's booming voice echoed through the corridors.

"Enough!! Yunho, You and Mingi are arranged to be married by the end of next month! Mingi will be staying with us, while the party is arranged to celebrate your marriage up until the wedding where then your mother and i will be stepping down from our thrones so you and mingi can take over in our place as high kings to do your duty as a king and protect the city!" Yunho stared at his parents in shock, and anger. The anger welling up inside of his as tears began to run down his face.

"No, no! I refuse to marry him!!" Yunho yelled and Headed for the main entrance of the castle indicating he was going to leave. A sharp whistle was heard and before Yunho could run, Damian grabbed him and pinned his arms behind his back. Yunho fought as best he could, but he was too exhausted from training with Jongho. Tears continued to run down his face, He looked up to see mingi staring at him with apologetic eyes.

"Damian please escort the prince to his room, my soon-to-be-son-in-law, have a lot to discuss." The king said, Damian nodded and forced Yunho forward, dragging to his room and pushing him through the door onto the floor, before slamming the door shut. Yunho wiped his eyes as Jongh helped him stand up.

"So....wanna tell me why Mingi was sitting in your living room?" Yunho looked at him with sad eyes, he took a deep breath.

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