Chapter 12

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There he stood, in front of his soon to be husband. Their hands were together as they looked into each other's eyes and smiled sweetly at each other. This was it. Yunho and Mingi were just seconds away from saying those two words everyone hopes to say one day. By Yunho stood his best friends Jongho, Yeosang, and Seonghwa. And behind mingi stood his best friends, Hongjoong, Wooyoung, and san. The other six boys watched the couple with stars in their eyes waiting for their love to be sealed by the words. As the minister rembled on it finally came down to the final part.

"Song Mingi do you take, Jeong Yunho to be your lawfully wedded husband as long as you both shall live?" He asked.

Mingi smiled brightly, "I do". Then turning to yunho the minister asked.

"And do you Jeong Yunho take Song Mingi to be your lawfully wedded husband as long as you bother shall live?" Yunho took his eyes off the minister to look at Mingi but he wasn't met with his smiling husband to be. Instead he was met with the red eyed man he once saw in his dream all those months ago.

Yunho jerked his hands away from him, looking around the room only to be horrified at the sight in front of him. HIs friends were all on their knees with gags in their mouths and their hands tied behind their backs, standing over them was Hongjoong, Wooyoung, and San, with guns pointed to their heads. He took a step forward only to be jerked back by tight chains wrapped around his wrists and ankles. The room around him darkened and he was all alone. With a smirking red eyed demon looking at him as tears began to stream from his eyes.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME!?!?!" Yunho screamed, pulling against the chains as if wanting to rip out those glowing red eyes. His pearly white smirk only grew as he stepped closer to the crying prince, grabbing a hold of his chin tightly. Only then could mingi clearly see his face.

"Damian..." He whispered. He shook his head trying to forget what he just saw when he opened his eyes he shot out of bed sweating and breathing heavily. He looked to his left and saw mingi peacefully sleeping. Yunho stared at him for a few moments before carefully getting out of bed. He tiptoed out of the room to Jongho and Hongjoongs room, Poking his head in he saw both boys were asleep on the bed. Yunho quickly made his way over to Jonghos side of the bed and covered his mouth causing the young boy to wake up ready to throw a punch. When he realized it was yunho he glared at the prince. Yunho placed a finger to his lips and motioned for the door, jongho ground to himself and nodded carefully getting out of bed and following Yunho out of the room.

The 2 ho brothers made their way to SeongSangs room, as soon as they walked in the room they turned the light on and closed the door, only to see Seonghwa on top of Yeosang in a heated makeout session. Seonghwa looked up quickly, pulling the sheets up more to cover himself and his lover more.

"Yah! What the hell are you doing!?" Seonghwa yelled, as he tried to hide Yeosang from the intruders.

"Oh for fucks sake, weve seen each other naked before would you fucking chill!" Yunho growled back.

"Seriously though Yunho why did you wake us up?" Jongho said through a yawn as he sat down on the bed by the couple.

"Oh yes please, have a seat." Seonghwa hissed sarcastically. Yeosang tapped his chest causing Seonghwa to huff and get off him as the two sat up against the headboard of their bed. The three of them looked to yunho who stood in the middle of the room looking as if he was about to cry.

"Well?" Yeosang said after several moments of silence.

"I can't marry mingi anymore..." Yunho whispered. The others looked at him in shock.

"What? Yunho what do you mean? Did he do something to you?" Jongho asked. Receiving a head shake for an answer. "Then what's wrong?"

Looking up with tears in his eyes, and as the color left his face. "He's coming for me..."


"The red eyed demon..."


Hi everyone!! sorry its been so long since I've updated, life has kind of just fell apart I guess. At first I simply got busy and had writers block, then shit hit the fan and everything just fell apart. I felt bad for leaving this for so long I'm just not quite sure how to finish this. I tend to be able to write in scenes so I write out all the good stuff that happens first then try to do fillers to get to those points. but I'm not as good of a writer as most of the people I follow or most of you all. so forgive me. I will be trying to update more but just bare with me, college has started back up and I have a full time job. so, yeah. anyway if I don't update this book as often just know I will try to constantly have new chapters up in my Yungi one-shot book at least. anyway, thanks for reading and being patient, hope this is as good as you guys anticipated.

Tainted RoyalsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora