Chapter 9

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After the night of Mingis nightmare, things have been different. Yunho and Mingi have gotten closer, and it's been noticeable. Not just to Yunho's parents, but to the kids at school, adn to the two boys' friends. Every day at school, Jongho, Yeosang and Seonghwa would ask yunho to blink twice if he was in trouble, each time ending with an eye roll. Eventually the princes quit asking and basically accepted the fact that the two boys were finally getting along. In all honesty it was great for everyone.

Mingi wasn't as cold to Yunho or his friends or even to his own friends, if anything everything was so much better. Mingi was sleeping in Yunho's bed with him, mainly for the feeling of security he had when he was next to Yunho. They sat at the table next to each other from breakfast and dinner every day, and the king and queen were really happy to know the two boys were finally getting along, which brings us to our next point in our little story, The announcement.

Yunho and Mingi have just woken up and gotten dressed and ready for the day, they walked down the stairs to the dinning hall and sat at their usual spots and enjoyed their breakfast. It was silent at the table like it normally was, Yunho's parents exchanged looks before his father finally cleared his throat, causing both boys to look up at him.

Yunho looked between his parents with curious eyes, waiting for them to say something. "Everything okay?" He finally asked.

"Yunho, Your mother and I are incredibly happy to see you adn Mingi finally getting along. And as you both are soon to be married.... Uh.." His father looked to his mother for help.

"We have decided the time has come for the kingdom to know you boys will be getting married soon.." His mother finished, both of them looked at yunho waiting for him to get upset and yell but all he did was nod.

"Okay, but on one condition." He spoke calmly, Mingi was now curious and looked at him. "Before the whole Kingdom is invited for the castle for said 'Party' Mingi and I have our own party." Yunho's parents looked at him shocked and happy he didn't lash out like he normally would.

"Oh, of course dear. Who would you invite though?" His mother asked.

"Just our closest friends, Jongho, Yeosang, and Seonghwa." Yunho said.

"And HongJong, Wooyoung, and San." Mingi finished taking a mouthful of some ham. The king and Queen looked at each other again before coming to a mutual unspoken agreement.

"Alright, You eight boys can have an entire weekend party-"

"At the lake house?" Yunho asked with pleading excited eyes. His mother smiled at her cute not-so-baby boy and nodded. Yunho smiled brightly, shoveling the last of his food in his mouth and grabbing Mingis arm and pulling him from his seat.

"Thank you! Come on Mingi we are gonna be late!"

"But i'm not done! There is still Syrup on the bottom of the plate!" Mingi yells as Yunho drags him down the hall, the two boys grab their bags and make their way to the Limo sitting outside at the front gates. Yunho was literally skipping down the stairs, he almost fell a few times but we won't talk about that. The two got into the Limo joining their friends and making their way to the campus, Yunho excitedly telling his friends about their plan for the weekend.

"We need alcohol!" Wooyoung and San yelled at the same time. The four princes looked at them with wide eyes.

"Aren't you guys underage?" Jongho asked, Mingi and HongJong then broke out into a fit of laughter.

"This weekend is going to be even better than I thought." Mingi smirked.


2 Days before the party.

Yunho was already sick and tired of this week, he was stressed out, and sore from his self defence classes with Jongho. He just wanted this weekend to be here already so he could just relax. He was sitting at his desk waiting for his next lecture to start when a group of popular kids showed up, well, next in line for the popular throne after the princes obviously.

"Yunnie?" Yunho looked up and saw some girls standing there, he rolled his eyes and sighed.

"Yes?" He replied with a fake smile.

"We heard you were having a party this weekend...Is there any chance we could have an invite? I'm sure we could make it worth your while." She giggles, and places her hand on his arm, he wanted to throw up right then and there. He noticed Mingi, hongjoong, Wooyoung, and San standing in the doorway. Yunho smirked.

"Im sorry girls, but it's for royalty and close friends only." Mingi said as he and his friends walked over, Mingi stood behind yunho and smiled.

"And you think you would get invited, over us?" One girl says.

"Well it would make sense." Yunho said, the group looked at him with wide eyes. "I mean we are to be married by the end of the year." The boys smirked when the girls gasped, and broke down into tears. They bolted from the room, as the group of eight couldn't help but burst into laughter.

Mingi couldn't help but admire Yunho, not just for the hilarious way he handled that situation, but for his beauty and his adorable laugh as well. It seemed as time slowed as he watched the boy he hated not three week before, laugh his heart out. The boy he was soon going to marry was sitting right in front of him, and something in mingis mind changed. Whatever plan his mother had planned, he didn't want to be a part of it, he just wanted to enjoy these little moments.

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