Chapter 15: You're Safe With Me

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*Alex's POV*

I heard Sage yell so I ran back inside.
"What the hell did you do to her?" I saw Sage on the floor, making me furious.

"She'll be fine. It's not like it's the first time I've done this," he grunted and chugged another beer down.

"It will be the last time though." I said before punching him straight in the jawline, instantly causing him to fall to the floor.

I picked up Sage bridal style, because she was still out cold, and carried her out to our car then placing her in the back carefully. I went to the driver's seat and left the house before her sorry excuse for a father could stop us.

It really bothers me that he said it wasn't the first time. How many times had this monster hurt my perfect angel? Why did I not hurt him more than I did?

✖️ Sage's POV ✖️

I woke up to the sound of a semi honking his horn, "what happened," I questioned massaging my temple that hurt like a mother.
"Your douchebag father hit you. I took care of it though. You're safe with me Sage."

I've always wanted someone to tell me that. I've longed for that feeling of safety for way to long.
"Thank you so much Alex. It really means a lot more than you'd ever understand." I sighed. I'm not good with words, quite bad actually. I can think if deep philosophical shit, but when it comes to saying it I simply cannot make a sentence.
"I love you, Alex." That's all I could think to say. I didn't like the silence and it had to be broken.
He smiled, "I love you too." It sounded like he was aggravated. What did I do?
"I love you, Alex. Not the school girl love either. Real love, like love from those cliché romance novels. True love. And I know love is a simple word, but it is the only word in the dictionary, that I know, that can explain my feelings toward you."

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