Chapter 20: I'm Off The Deep End

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• Sage's POV •

I woke up. I feel absolutely dead. I don't know where Alex was. I don't know what the hell happened last night. The last thing I remember is being carried by some guy then slammed on a bed. Then I woke up.

"Morning sleeping beauty," Alex's voice. It's soothing, but I wasn't letting him off. Yeah, I shouldn't have had a drink from a complete stranger.

"Where the hell were you," my words were sharp and cold.
"I..... I was just looking for Will."
"Bullshit. You hesitated. Were you with some random girl?"
Before he even had time to process the question, "she wasn't just some random girl! Shit," he let it slip out.
"Let me take a guess, Delanie?"
He didn't reply, he just looked down in absolute shame. I knew it was her.

"I'm gonna go out," I said climbing out of Alex's bed.
"Want me to come," there was an once of desperation in his voice. I wasn't falling for it.
"I need to be alone," I went to my suitcase and grabbed a clean 5 Seconds of Summer shirt and a pair of black leggings. I didn't even give him time to reply before I walked into the bathroom and slammed the door then locked it.

I turned the hot water on full blast and the cold on enough I wouldn't burn, to bad. Every Time I was stressed at my parent's house I would take a hot shower. It would get my mind off of things, but my mind was going 500 miles per hour. [a/n- fun fact: Alex's place is in ATL Georgia but idk where, however I calculated how far ATL was from my city and it is 515 miles.]

I couldn't get my mind off the fact Alex was hooking up with some girl, especially Delanie for that matter. He told me he was done with her. How could he do this to me?

I was being sexually assaulted, and he was having sex with someone he had seen hours before. He could've planned this. He could've told her he was going to a frat party and they should hook up. The whole Will thing could've been a cover up. Was Will even there? I grabbed my phone, which was on the bar by the shower and instantly texted Will. I need some sort of help figuring out this story.

Me: hey, will i need to talk to u asap. xx
William Pumpernickel: what up boo
Me: were u at the frat party last nite?
Will: yea but i was like an hour late. why?
Me: oh just curious. alex couldnt find u so i was just asking. i guess we thought we got there to early lol
Will: well i guess you didn't, i was just super duper late. is everything ok?
Me: yea.... kinda..... not rly. can we hang today? well w/o alex? just so we can talk 1 on 1?
Will: yea totally. how bout like 5pm?
Wait what time is it? I looked at my phone and it's 3:46pm. I just woke up. What a waste of a day. I better text Will back.
Me: sure sounds good. :-)
Will: ^_^

I finished my shower and dried my hair. I decided to just let it do its own thing.

I just put on some foundation and did light eyeliner. Afterward I checked my phone's clock and it said 4:37. I decided to text Will.
Me: hey william pumpernickel, r u going to pick me up or do i need to meet u somewhere?

He replied instantly.

Will: i can pick you up babe. its no big deal :^))

Will called me babe. What the hell? He referred to me as his sister just yesterday, what changed?

I went outside to have a smoke. I needed to calm down. I haven't ate anything since yesterday and I'm starting to get the affects of it, my stomach is growling from starvation.

Right when I took the last hit I saw Will's new car pull up. I must admit, it was very nice looking from the outside. Will hopped out and opened the passenger seat then closed it for me once I got in and we were off.

• Alex's POV •

Sage decided to go hang with Will. I mean I honestly have no right to be angry or jealous, they are only hanging as friends. Will knows how happy she makes me and Will is like a brother to Sage. I also cheated on Sage so it would be absolutely hypocritical of me to be mad at her for hanging with him. She has no other friends here either.

I just really want Sage to talk to me about it. I know she's angry. Hell I'd be just as angry if I found out she cheated on me with her ex. Well probably not as angry because I was also having sex with my ex while she was being assaulted. But she can't blame me for it.... Can she? Damn I've screwed up really fucking bad...

I'm going to go fucking crazy by myself. She's out with Will when she should be here while I comfort her. While I hold her and give her infinite apologizes but she's out with Will.

She's out with Will.

My best friend is out with my love.

My love is out with my best friend, and not me.

I can't do this. She obviously hates me. I can't let her hate me. I can't let this be the ending of out relationship. I don't want this to be the ending of it. I need this relationship.


Ariana and Miley singing Don't Dream It's Over is my sexuality.

Also Alex hung out with Delanie and I was cringing so hard. Apparently him and Taylor broke up, I think. But seriously Delanie is so going to screw him over. I mean most of his stan's that I follow just took a picture of the snapchat and were like "???" and I was totally wtf. He looked cute in the picture he tweeted with her so I cropped her out. I mean dammit look at his beautiful brown eyes. I swear I'm going to die because of them fuCKSBSIBQJDJQJRBKA. BYE.

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