Chapter 22: This Cannot Be A Coincidence

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• Alex's POV •
I just got a call from Sage and she said Will just left her at the park. Why does he always go to a park to hook up with someone? I mean c'mon be more romantic at least. Don't go to a place where little kids have been, that's just creepy as hell on so many levels. I'm going to murder him.

I went to pick her up so I didn't have time to clean up the mess I made... When she left I felt my whole world crashing down slowly and painfully. I threw so many things around, there was broken glass everywhere. I had cut my foot open but bandaged it up before I got the call from Sage.

I sped to pick her up and she was exactly where she said she'd be. She was sitting on the curb with her jacket bundled around her so she wouldn't get to cold.

• Sage's POV •
I saw Alex's car driving up but I couldn't move. I was so numb. It felt like everyone was using me.

Alex pulled his car into the closest parking spot, which was only a few feet away. He hopped out and sat down right beside me.

"Sage," his voice was full of hurt... great.
"I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have left you at the frat house. I should have just took you home and us just hang. We could cuddle and watch American Horror Story and laugh at how that one chick cries, because she cries really weird. And we could've laughed at how awkward the chick acts. I shouldn't have hooked up with Delanie, correction, I shouldn't have even spoke to her, dammit I wish I could have a redo button and fix it all. I shouldn't have let you hang out with Will, not in a controlling way but he is the type to look for easy targets. Maybe not to rape but to make them fall for him. All of his ex's dated him because when they hung out the girls would be hanging out because they were desperate. I should have known he would do this. I'm so fucking sorry Sage," his voice cracked as he began to tear up.
"Alex... Please don't cry," I moved closer to him and grabbed his face. I wiped away his tears and pulled him into a hug. I still felt safe. I felt like everything in the world had stopped and it was just us, "it's okay Alex. I forgive you. I understand you were drunk. I know being drunk isn't an excuse, but I forgive you. You just have to forgive yourself. You're not the one who raped me, you can't blame yourself for it. I understand you blame yourself for not being there to help me, hell I blamed you. But it isn't your fault."
I looked him in the eyes and saw how much hurt was in them, it was like how much hurt I was in the day he pulled me to the back of the tent at Playlist Live, "Alex Ramos. You are not to blame for what happened to me. Nobody is except for the guy who did it. You are not to blame for the whole Will thing, I guess I might've gave him the wrong idea after I heard his story of his ex girlfriend Skye. But you are not to blame."
"Did you just say Skye," he snapped out of his lifeless gaze at me.
"Yeah why?"
"Did he say she lost her memory?"
"Yeah......" What was going on here?
"Why the hell did I not see this?"
"See what, Alex?"
"There was never a Skye. The whole story was bullshit. It all makes since now. About two years ago he invited me to a frat party, like what we went to, I was with my old girlfriend Hannah at the time. She was assaulted, not as far as yours went, but Will distracted me when I went to go find her. I never told Hannah and the day afterward she wanted to hang out with Will because apparently the guy who attacked her looked similar to me and she couldn't even look me in the eyes. Well they ended up hooking up, Hannah told me everything that led up to it and she was told the exact same story. We broke up that day because, even though it's hypocritical, I can't stand a cheater. But I can't believe it never clicked. I mean I guess it wouldn't have because it didn't seem weird it being just one person, but now its also you? That cannot be just a coincidence. Will is setting up these assaults so he can try and move in on someone."
"You're paranoid," I sighed. He was simply trying to find someone to blame for my assault. But nobody forced the guy to put his penis in me except himself.
"Maybe I am. But maybe I'm also a correct paranoid."
"I didn't think paranoid could be used as a noun."
"It can now," and with that, the topic was over.
"Can we go home now," I said trying to break the few minutes of silence.
"Yeah. But the house is kinda a mess, so while I clean it up you can rest in the guest bedroom, because our bedroom has shit everywhere, from when I had a breakdown, so I'll clean it up."
"Can you clean it up tomorrow? I really want someone to just hold me while I fall asleep, specifically you," I said, giving Alex the "puppy dog face". I felt so safe in his arms. That's what makes him different than my ex. My ex boyfriend would've just laughed as I was being raped and probably would've joined. Alex stopped him. If my ex was still around and I was being all mopey he wouldn't hold me or tell me I'd be alright, he'd just go shoot the shit with his friends while I contemplated my death. Alex however, holds me. He makes me feel like no matter what happens he'll be my knight in shining armor and protect me. After everything he can still make me feel safe.
"Of course. Anything for my love," he kissed me on the nose, picked me up bridal style and placed me in the car.


Okay so I'm sorry for taking a weebit longer to update. I've been feeling pretty crappy lately. Idk I don't feel like an author's note is where I should put my own personal issues. But anywho I am back, I hope.

I do have another idea for a story but not related to Alex. I'm going to try and finish this one so I can began to work on that one. I won't just leave it with a dumb ending, or at least dumb to me. I feel like this story has maybe 5 more chapters, tops.


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