Chapter 21: Burning Desire

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Enjoy the fetus picture of William

• Sage's POV •
"Wanna go to Mc Donald's?" Will asked as we pulled out of the driveway and headed to the main road.
"Yessssssss. I'm starving. I slept most of the day, I only woke up like a few minutes before I texted you I believe and haven't ate."

The car ride was silent. Not an uncomfortable silent though. We just couldn't think of what to talk about. We never hung out one on one so we really didn't know each other well. I hope he didn't have plans and I caused him to cancel..
Before I could overthink the whole scenario we pulled into the parking lot of Mc Donald's.
"It looks full, you wanna get it to go and go to the park," I suggested.
"Hell yes! I was just thinking that."
We got out food to go, we decided to get an order together of twenty chicken nuggets and an extra large Pepsi soda, then we headed toward the park which was about a block away.
"It looks so beautiful," I said looking out the window at the river that was near the park.
"It is, but not as beautiful as you."
"What kinda gay shit was that?" I punched his arm.
"Well being as you are a girl and I am a guy it isn't gay.... unless there is something you need to tell me," he joked. It was an over used joke but I thought it was hilarious because his face made the joke, not the joke itself, "but seriously Sage, you are beautiful."
I blushed, "thanks William," I didn't know what else to say but that.
"C'mon I gotta show you something," Will said pulling me over to the swings.
"This was where I met my first love. I feel nostalgic so I'm gonna tell you about her. I was hanging with Alex, of course, and she was swinging. Her curled ombré hair flowing majestically. This was of course before ombré was popular, her hair had just grown so long it was ombré. Any who, her name turned out to be Skye. She saw me walking toward her and stopped swinging. We talked for what seemed like forever, even though it was maybe two hours max. We exchanged numbers and it all fell into place from there," Will's smile seemed so genuine, I've never seen it like that in any Instagram picture or Vine. It was magnificent.
"Mind if I ask what happened," he seemed so happy thinking about her I wanted to know what happened.
"Oh not at all.... Well what happened was she was at a party, I said I had a major test so I'd just stay home. Anyway, the driver was intoxicated and got into an accident. Skye was hurt majorly. She didn't die though. She had lost most of her memory, and her parents told me it would be better if I just stopped contact with her. Not because they didn't like me, but because they knew her memory loss would be hard to handle, and she didn't need to worry about having a boyfriend that she forgot about."
"Oh wow. I'm sorry," I am quite bad at comforting people.
"I'm not. Skye was an amazing first love. I'll always love her. I just sometimes miss her, ya know?"
I shook my head in agreement, "I too remember where I met my first love."
"Was it at a coffee shop? Is it cliché that Alex is your first love?"
"Actually he wasn't. I met my first love at a mechanics shop. I was having engine problems and he was the mechanic. I was 16, and instantly started flirting. He turned out to be 20 and was okay with it because I was "mature" for my age, turns out he meant my body. Anyway we dated up until Playlist Live. I told him I wouldn't be back at my parents house, which is where he lived. It wasn't a good relationship, Will. I wanted out so bad, I just couldn't. I loved him. I loved him beyond belief. I loved him even though he'd always hit me. I loved him even though he'd always make me do things I didn't want to do, but I did them because I loved him."
"You shouldn't have been put in that position, Sage."
"To late. Any who, it's getting late I better get home before Alex worries to much," I needed to talk to him.

We hopped in the car.

"So what's wrong Sage," Will asked as he started the car.
"What do you mean?" I knew exactly what he meant.
"What caused you to want to hang out on such short notice?"
"Did you have plans? I'm sorry...."
"No I didn't, I was just suprised. Stop avoiding the question, please."
"The party last night... It ruined everything.... Alex was.... I ruined everything... I was," I couldn't say it.
"Did you cheat on him?" Will's voice cracked.
"No.... He hooked up with someone."
"Do I know her?"
"It wasn't a her."
"I was kidding. It was a her. And you do."
"Was it.... Delanie?"
"Yes. He went to find you. I was given a drink and it had drugs in it and I was........"
"Who the fuck?! I'll fucking kill him."
"No please don't I was asking for it. I looked skimpy, was drunk...". I began to cry, a lot. This was the first time I've ever talked about it.
"Nobody deserves to be raped! I'm so sorry I wasn't there to help you," Will said grabbing my face to force me to look at him with my teary eyes.
"That's not your job, Will. I know you would've but you weren't, but it's okay."
"No it's not nobody deserves that, especially you."
"But people less than me do?"
"No. That's not what I mean."
"What did you mean?"
"I mean someone like you shouldn't be raped. You don't deserve it. You've already been threw enough. You're to fragile for that much tragedy."
Will's eyes began to tear up so I pushed up the console and hugged him for comfort.
"I'm okay, Will. It'll be okay. I don't exactly know why you're upset but it'll be okay."
He let go of his embrace and wiped a tear of mine away, and before I could react Will pulled my head in and kissed me, I however couldn't kiss back.
"William. I can't kiss you."
"Fuck. Why not Sage? Alex cheated on you! He had sex with Delanie. He wasn't there for you!"
"Dammit Will, you don't think I didn't notice that? But I'm not the type to cheat on someone because they cheated on me! Take me home," I demanded.
"No, get out."

I got out and Will drove away. I had no idea what to do. I couldn't tell Will to come back, the only other person I could ask is Alex, he'll be pissed but I can't walk 13 miles this late at night.

"Sage! Are you okay?"
"Yeah... well no. Will left me at the park because I didn't wanna cheat on you. He kissed me, but I couldn't kiss him back.... And I'm so sorry, Alex. I should've been there with you. I love you and I'm so sorry."
"I'm on my way Sage stay there. I love you too. Don't go anywhere."



Anywhore, follow me on my social media:
its all @ sorryimhope

- Hope

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