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It all started when i was in court. I can remember it exactely...

I was still in court. They knew I was guilty as much as I did. I don't get why they didn't just send me to the boarding school; court was boring. So was jail, and I hated it, but I didn't think it would be a good idea to mention it. They might send me there instead ... Yikes!

"So. Miss Chelsea Baker, you pleaded not guilty, is this correct?" Asked the judge.

"Don't you know it Hugh!" I shouted enthusiastically.

"You did what!" hissed my Lawyer.

"I pleaded not guilty. I thought 'hey, why not?'" I whispered back at him.

"You're gonna end up being there longer!" He whisper shouted.

"Like I give a shit!" I whisper shouted louder than I meant to. I basically shouted.

"Pardon?" Shouted Hugh.

"Don't act like you don't know what I said Hugh." I said with a small laugh.

"DON'T CALL ME THAT!" he shouted.

"Why not Hugh?" I asked innocently.

"Because my name is JOSH!!!" He shouted.

"Sorry Josh, my bad." I said lightly.

"Shut up." He mumbled.

"Right, jury, have you reached your verdict?"

"Yes, your honour, we have." Said one of the jury.

"Don't bother with all that shit Jury! His names Josh!" I shouted, just making sure everyone knew that his name wasn't Hugh.

"What was your decision?" Asked josh.


"What! No I'm not" I shouted.

"You know you are." Said my lawyer.

"Well, you did a shit job didn't you." I said exasperatedly.

"Shut up!" Shouted Josh "Back to business. You are hereby sentenced to an as yet undecided amount of time at Hartfeild Education Center for Juvenile Delinquents."

"Wait!" I said Hartfeild! Not Johnstone!"

"You heard right. This way you won't be able to see those....People, ever again." Said Josh.

Bastard, I thought.

"Fine. Can I leave yet? I want to go home!" I whined.

"No, you're going straight to Hartfeild."

Bastard, I thought again.

"Fine, but I need clothes."

"I know, officer Jenkins will be accompanying you to your house, you will pack a case whilst he is in the room, then he will take you to Hartfeilds. Have fun!" Said Josh sarcastically as I was put into hand cuffs.

"Don't worry, I will."

And that was how I ended up in the back of the police car with tree suitcases and a hold all with handcuffs attaching me to the actual car.

"Can you take this stupid metal bracelet off me now! We must nearly be there!" I said.

"We would have been there ages ago if you hadn't tried to run." Said Jenkins in the front.

"I'm sorry. But when I was arrested the police never chased me and I wanted to see what it felt like! I have told you this!" I said to him.

"Well I can't risk that happening again, so you stay in the handcuffs until we get there. Get me?"

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