Relocation, relocation, relocation (part 2)

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Slowly, I walked down the corridors to Seal's office.

I realised that I didn't have a clue how long I was going to be in the hell hole, and it really upset me.

Around Lee and the others I had to be tough, show minimal emotion, but when I was on my own...

Let's just say it was a different story.

I wiped a single tear away that had fallen down my cheek, and continued to Seal's office.

"Oi Seal! Open up a," I shouted, banging on his door.

"I'm up! What did you want Dodge?" he replied, opening his office door.

"It's not me. It's Lee, he wants me, you and Ice to go to the alley and then he's gonna- oh I don't know but he wants us." I said shrugging.

It was times like these that I wished I actually paid attention for me than thirty seconds.

"Take it you were listening to him?" asked Seal with a smirk.

"Oh yeah, defiantly." I said, rolling my eyes.

"Come on then. Go get in my car." said Seal.

"But we need Ice, I listened long enough to head Lee say bring Ice." I said, quite please that I had remembered anything from mine and Lee's conversation.

"Alright then Dodge. You go find him, and I'll clear us leaving with the principal." Seal decided, without even asking me.

He dashed out of the room and I followed behind him.

I jogged through the corridors, trying to find Ice - it was a near impossible task.

Finally, I decided that I had better just try his room, I had left it until last because I knew that if Trish saw us she would have a field day.

I knock on his door.

"Piss off!" he shouted.

How friendly! I thought.

I carried on knocking, so that he would eventually get up.

I was soon proved right.

After about another thirty seconds of knocking, Ice opened the door.

"What the hell do you want you twat!" he shouted, but his expression changed when he saw me "Oh, er, Dodge hi. What did you want?"

"You've gotta come with me to see Ice." I said,a dn he nodded.

"Sure. One second, let me get some shoes on."

He pulled on a pair of boots, and next thing I knew, I was in Seal's car.

"So," said Ice "what did Lee want and why have I been invited?"

"Well," I said, but then my phone started ringing "Hold that thought."

I answered the phone.



"I'm sorry! We're on our way!"

"Not good enough! Why aren't you here!"

"We had to get out, it isn't that easy!"

"Well then make it easier! Anyway, just meet us at the old Kart Hotel."

"But that place was closed down years ago! It's just an abandoned building!"


Lee put the phone down before I could respond.

"Wow." I muttered "That was friendly."

"Lee said to meet him at the old Kart Hotel." I told Seal and Ice.

"Ahh, it must be about relocating." Said Seal nodding.

"What?" I asked, confused.

"Lee said that there wasn't enough room at the alley anymore, and he didn't want to pay for somewhere. He said he was looking for an abandoned building, I guess he chose that one." Seal said.

I liked the alley. It was a place where I felt at home. A place where I belonged. But that was all changing, there wasn't enough room there - I knew that- but I liked it there. Unless this hotel was completely empty, no one would agree to it.

Just because they were idiots when it came to things like that.

"OI!" shouted Ice "ANYBODY HOME!"

He waved a hand in front of my face, bringing me out of my trance.

"I'm here."

We got out the car and walked to the front of the hotel.

Lee and everyone else was waiting for us in the foyer.

"Hi." I said, before walking closer to Lee.

"Hi Dodge." said Lee "RIGHT!"

Lee loved shouting to get people's attention.

"We're here because we need a new venue, and this was the best I could get. Anyone have any suggestions?" Lee asked.

"Why don't we make this part the main betting area, and then make the theatre into the arena." said Shock.

"Nope." I said "Who wants to sit when they watch a fight? Why don't we move all the tables and chairs out of the restaurant and have the arena in there's."

"Perfect." said Lee "There's a fight tonight for anyone that's interested. Bite versus Parker. For the rest of you, I'll get into contact regarding next fight. Bye."

He just walked out and then I had a walk around the hotel.

It looked more like a desolate car park than anything else.

Walking around gave me a lot of time to think.

Why was I here? Not like 'why am I on the Earth?' here, but in the hotel, about to go back to some school for Deliquents. Although I fit that description, I hadn't ever imagined me being somewhere like that. How long was I here? I didn't know. I had no clue how long I would be in that hell hole, the thought made me want to cry. I missed Shock, even thou we avoided each other a lot around the house, I always knew he was there.

I wandered back into the foyer and saw Seal and Ice deep in conversation, I drifted towards them but only so that they didn't know I was still there.

"Doesn't even know you that well!" whisper shouted Seal.

"But I want too change that!" whisper shouted Ice.

"Bit late now. Now that I know, I'm going to try and keep her away from you at all costs." whisper shouted Seal.

'Who are they talking about?' I thought.

I chose that point to make myself known.

"Are we gonna go then?"


We piled into the car, and Seal looked at me. He smiled.

He looked at Ice, let's just say he didn't smile.


Authors note


PLEASE DON'T CHACE ME WITH PITCH FORKS AND TORCHES! UPDATES WILL BE COMING A LOT FASTER NOW! HOPEFULLY! I have a plan! I'll update more but I'm not going to go into specifics because I'm sure you couldn't care less :)

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