Sexy blue eyes

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I saw some kid having ago at another kid half his size.

"What the fuck are you doing?" I asked them.

"Sorting out a problem. Now piss of before you can't." Said the bigger boy.

He turned around and I saw it was Ice.

The shit has hit the fan. I repeat, the shit has hit the fan.

Back to normal...

"Is that a threat, Ice?" I asked.

"Yeah. I don't even know your name. I'd beat you up without a second thought." he said.

Oh, now I'm shitting myself.

Seriously, watch me shit myself.

Joke, I'm not really!

I get you believed me, I mean, I am a good actress.

"Did you want to know my name, Ice?" I asked seductively.

Well, not exactly seductively because I didn't want to sleep with him but back to the point...

"What your real name?" he asked, using the same (fake) seductive tone.

I just wasn't sure it was fake.

"What do you think I am, Icey? An idiot?" I asked in a sickly sweet voice.

"Icey? I like it. What can I call you?" he purred.

"Dodge." I said creeping closer to him "You can call me Dodge."

"What as in, Dodge the actual Dodge?" he asked, the awe appearing on his face without his permission.

"Yeah Icey, but I ain't fucking you." I said, before kneeing him where the sun don't shine and walking off.

I left Ice and the kid and went to get my phone back.

I paused at Seal's door to hear what he was doing.

"Think that she's gonna feel that." he said, obviously on the phone "It's not that Han... She likes doing what she does... Getting on! She's 17 for crying out loud!... I know!... But... No you listen... For fuck sake! How can you think she's going to agree to that!... Lee wouldn't let you... Your choice my ass! She brings a lot of cash to you, don't deny it... It would cause a fucking riot especially if it was against her will... She. Is. Never. Going. To agree... Fine, she's outside the door, want to talk to her?... Didn't think so... Bye Han, see you soon."

I heard the phone go down and Seal sigh.

I had no clue what that was about. Well, I knew it was about me.

"Are you gonna stand outside all day Dodge?" Seal shouted through the door.

How did he know I was there?

"Ermm, yes?" I asked.

Why did I ask that, I though.

"No, come in. I take it you want your phone." he said.

"Yeah, I do." I said holding my hand out.

"What's the magic word?" Seal asked me.

"Expelliarmus!" I shouted, holding my imaginary wand at him.

"Oh, why are you not a comedian?" he replied sarcastically, holding out my phone.

"Please thank you!" I shouted.

"No need to shout. I'm right here." he said holding his hands up in mock surrender.

"Wow. I totally didn't know that." I said, fake shock.

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