Shock and Snake

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"In here again, Miss Dodge?" Asked the head as I walked into his office with ice grinning like a Cheshire Cat.

It really wasn't that funny.

Ok, maybe it was pretty funny.

I mean, our first date was interrupted by the police as we tried to break out. There's one you haven't heard before.

There were two seats in the office, other than the one the head sat in, and Officer Jenkins had taken one and Ice the other.

So I did what any other person would do in my situation.

I sat on ice's lap.

"Get up dodge." Said the head, tersely.

"But I wanna sit down!"

"Just get up."

I stood up and sat down on the floor.

Ice stifled a laugh.

"Fine." Said the head "Sit there."

He turned to officer Jenkins and made some random hand actions. Then he looked at us.

God, he was happy.

Please take note of the sarcasm.

"You two are despicable." He hissed.

"Well," I said "That escalated quickly."

"Shut up." Shouted Officer Jenkins.

"Why would you try and escape? Prison is a lot worse than being here you know, no matter what the others say." replied the head "And I don't care what you think you were doing. In the eyes of the law, I've got two options here. I can either extend your time here and put you under close surveillance for the next week, or extend your sentence here and send you to prison for the next week. Your choice."

He lent back in his chair, obviously under the impression that he had terrified us out of our wits.

Not that the thought of prison didn't scare me, but I knew people on the inside. And I knew how to work the system.

"What's close surveillance?" I asked.

"It's where a teacher doesn't leave your side. Literally. You have no free time, and you can't go in your room unless it's to sleep or for another valid reason. Where as in prison you get all the free time you need."

"Which teacher?"

"Whoever you have most on your time table. But in prison you dont have anyone watching you... That good."

Guess which one he wanted us to go for?

Yep, prison.

So which one did I choose?

"Close surveillance."

"Very well." He said, shuffling round some papers "Ill get that sorted for you later."

"Prison." Said Ice.

I looked at him in horror.

"Fantastic. Officer Jenkins, if you could step outside with me for a moment."

They walked out of the room and I jumped up off the floor to look at Ice.

"What the actual fuck!"

"Hey babe," he said with a big ass smirk "I'm Ice. That's gotta count for something."

"Really? In prison with fucking drug lords and murderers? You think being a street fighters gonna count for anything?" I whisper shouted.

"No, but I think I'll be able to take care of myself in there." He replied with a shrug.

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