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"I need a word with you." Seal said, but I just looked at him and smirked.

"Maybe you should have thought about that before you refused to go and get me McDonalds." I said, continuing to smirk.

"Now." he said, not smiling, "I'm not going to ask you again, Miss Baker."

There was a sharp intake of breath from around the table.

A name was a street fighters most closely guarded secret. You didn't tell anyone. Even Lee didn't know my real name, so technically, if I ever wanted to give up all I'd have to do was move and not tell anyone where I was going. And stop calling myself Dodge. Not that I wanted to do that. I didn't know where it came from, not telling people your name I mean. As long as I could remember, no one had known anyone else's name. I knew Seals, but that was different because Seal was like family to me, it wasn't as if he was someone who would take me to my fights and teach me how to throw a punch. He was more than that. He cared.

"You dick." I shouted.

The entire room turned to face us.

"You've just earned Ice another day in prison."

"Fuck off!" I shouted "You can't do that!"

"There's the second extra day. Want a third?"

I huffed, and stormed out. I sensed his smirk. I just wanted to know why he was being a dick all of a sudden. He followed me out and we walked to his office in silence.

"What?" I asked.

"That's not how you should talk to me." he said "I'm your teacher and I demand respect."

"What, Sir?" I asked, sarcastically.

"I want to know why the hell you just told Ice that you love him."

So that was what it was about. Seal was angry at me for going out with Ice. I told you he was over protective of me.

"Because it's true." I said.

"You don't know anything about love!" he said "You're too young, Chelsea."

"Well, Harrison," I said, using his really first name as well, "I think I should be the one to judge that,don't you?"

"You can't talk to me like that!"

"Yes I fucking can. I can do whatever I want because you're not going to do anything about it or Lee will kick your ass and you know it." I said, smirking "And you know Lee's stronger than you."

"And you know Han's stronger than you."

"I'd like to see her try to get near me. She's either pissed or high all the time."

"Have you seen her recently?" Seal asked "She's cleaned up. Big time. She's serious about wanting you out."

"Whatever." I said "Lee won't let that happen until hell freezes over."

"You don't know Lee like you think you do." Seal said, and I slumped into the chair.

We sat facing each other for a while. I was angry. He was angry, not that it was fair.

Me and Seal had been through so much together, he knew me better than my own mother did. But that didn't mean he was my parent, he had no right to tell me who I could and couldn't date.

"I'm going." I said "And if you do put Ice in for another two days, I won't talk to you. I'm serious Seal. I haven't felt like this before,"

"You have a fight tonight." he said "Don't get pissed again, or I'll tell Balack everything."

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