conantur ad adiuvandum, sumus rebelles

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I went back to my room but I awkwardly bumped into Ice.

I went to go round him but he stepped in front of me.

I went the other way, he did it again.

"What do you want?" I asked him, exasperatedly.

"Go on a date with me." he said with a shrug.

"P...p...pardon?" I choked out. Did Ice just ask me on a date? I thought.

He evidently did.

"You heard. Just be ready by half ten tomorrow - I'll come get you from your room."

"How do I know I can trust you. You hated me."

"Well, me, my kissable lips and my sexy blue eyes changed our minds." he said. I wanted to kill that smirk. No joke. Well, it was a bit but... What Evs.

"That still doesn't explain to me why I should trust you." I said slowly.

"I can't give you a reason. Just go for it. What are you? A fucking coward?" he taunted.

"No, I just don't want you to murder me or rape me or... I don't know but whatever!" I shouted. Ok, too loud.

"I'm a street fighter and if you are Dodge, like you say you are, you'd be alright." he said with a shrug "but me and my eyes can go somewhere else."

"No, I do like you Ice. I just can't help thinking your going to use me." I admitted, but then I looked into his sexy blue eyes and changed my mind. He was beyond fit and he fought. I couldn't find fault with him. But deep down I knew he was up to something, I just didn't want to admit it to myself.

"I'll come by your room and pick you up. Be ready for half ten." he said. He lent in, as if to kiss me, but then pulled away at the last moment.

"Bad idea." I said slowly "I have Jenny for a room mate."

"Fine. Meet me in the car park - if you want to risk it." he said, and then walked off with his stupid signature smirk.

I started walking towards my room, by going down the MATHS corridor. ice had just asked me out. Ice. Had. Just. Asked. Me. Out. On a date! I hadn't ever been on a date. Mainly because most of the time I was fighting. Or training. Or both. But then I got sent here and suddenly realised I would have a hell of a lot of time on my hands, I looked around at the part of the hell hole, I mean school I was in.

The school was old - like proper old. The walls were made of stone that had no paint or wallpaper over the top. I turned right and was in the second maths corridor. There was no decoration on the wall but every now and then you would see the schools logo along with the motto.

conantur ad adiuvandum, sumus rebelles

It was Latin but I had no clue what for.

I carried on walking and heard someone on the phone.

I went into spy mode - because I'm cool like that- and hid behind one of the stone pillars.

It was Jenny.

"Talking about?... Don't you fucking know it, dick ... I'm up for that ... Fly?... No, not her... What do you mean no choice, I fight who I want to fight and that's that.... She goes here, she'll see me... It's a mask! It could easily come off... I'm not fighting her. Bye Mitch."

What the hell?

She put the phone down and I stepped out from behind my pillar.

"Well, someones become a badass." I said with a smirk.

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