I'm just not that sure...

20 1 0

Once we arrived back to school, I went straight to my room to find Trish.

Something had happened between Ice and Seal and I had to know what it was. Purely because it was bugging me.

I nearly ran down the corridors. If Trish knew something I didn't, it might've helped me work out what had happened. Or she might've been able to tell me what was going on.

Either way time was of the essence.

I took a short cut through the library and I saw Birch.

He was on a computer reading an email.

He didn't look happy.

"Birch?" I said "What's the matter?"

"I got an email from my parents."

"Isn't that a good thing?"

"Not when you've got parents like mine." he said, before shoving his chair under the table and stalking out of the room.

I got up and went after him. Birch was my friend.

'What happened to him?" I thought 'What could his parents of done that made him hate them like that?'

Before I could get to Birch, I ran into Trish.

No literally, I was so into my thoughts that I ran into her. Like, ran into her. Literally.

"Hello." she said "Someone's in a rush."

"I was looking for Birch, but I need to talk to you as well..." I said.

"What about?"

"Do you know what's going on between Ice and Seal?" I asked.

"No," she replied "But I could guess."


"Seal has a go at Ice."

"What? Why!? Seal's the most laid back person I know!" I shouted.

"Keep it down!" she said, before carrying on "Seal's laid back around you because he loves you, like a dad or a brother. And what do dad's and older brothers do?"

"I don't know."

"They're protective. Especially when it comes to boys."

"Oh come on!" I said "We're just friends!"

"For now. But I don't think Ice likes that."

"Ok, thanks Trish. Now I'm gonna go before your insane rambling rubs off on me."

I started down the other corridor, still looking for Birch.

I thought about what Trish had said.

Did I like Ice?

Did Ice like me?

I knew the answer to them.


I knew I liked him.

I knew he liked me.

The question was, did I want to do anything about it?

I turned a corner, still in pursuit of Birch.

But I ran smack bang into Ice, not literally this time.

"Hey." he said with a smile.

"Oh, er, em, hi." I said. I was about to start walking the other way when he started talking again.

"Have you got a boyfriend?" he asked.

It was random. He'd already asked me on a date, and NOW he's asking if I have a boyfriend.

"No. I've got to go."

"Go out with me." he asked.

"Ice I-"

"Do you like me?"

"Ice, I can't. I'm just not at sure..."


Authors note


I know it's late, but I'm leaving wattpad for a bit. I'll be back June. If you need me @koolllama or @rosielou98 will be able to pass on the message.

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