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They set my nose straight and before I knew it, I was in the van back to hell.

"That was brilliant." said Birch "I've never seen someone hit like that before."

"Well, I do try." I said, smirking. But it hurt.

"Pit stop." shouted Seal, from the front "I want a doctor to look at your nose."

I rolled my eyes. Now he chooses to be concerned.

"I don't need a doctor." I said "I'm fine. But I'm also not talking to you."

He nodded, but kept driving to this stupid doctors surgery. It was stupid. I was fine. Yeah, my nose had been broken, and yeah it hurt. But that didn't mean I needed to see a doctor. But Seal was adamant.

I got out the car and went into the waiting room. I didn't even think that doctors were open this late.

"Miss Dodge?" the doctor said, poking his head in.


"Will you come through?"

I got up and followed him into his room.

"What happened?"

"I broke my nose."

"I'm not stupid, Dodge." he said "Seal brought you here because he knows I'm the best. I keep patient confidentiality, even if I know I probably shouldn't."

"Fine." I said "Seeing as you know everything anyway... My opponent hit my nose, and it broke."

"How does it feel?"

"Painful." I said.

I'd had a broken nose before, but it had never felt like this. This was worse, this was driving me close to tears.

"Worse than what?" he asked.

"Worse than normal. This isn't the first time I've broken my nose."

He looked at it, and wiggled it a bit. I screamed and my eyes watered, but I couldn't help it. It killed. So badly.

"It looks like he's done a little more than break your nose." he said "I've seen it before, among your kind. If you hit the nose upwards, at just the right place with the right force, you can kill a person. And you've had a lucky escape. A fraction harder and you'd be dead, or dying at least."

I gulped. I'd heard of this happening before, but I never thought it would happen to me.

"So what can you do about it?" I asked.

"Come back in a weeks time." he said "I'll set it right. Until then, don't fight. And be very fucking careful."

I nodded and walked out.

"Anything wrong?" Seal asked.

"Yeah." I said "Your advantage almost killed me."

Seal went pale.


He didn't know what to say. I flipped him off and got in the back. I didn't have time for this shit.

We when arrived back at the school, it was late. Ten. Not too late, but late enough for the guard to question it.

"We overran." said Seal, with a winning smile "Sorry officer."

I got out of the van and went into Seal's office. I had to talk with him. Whether I wanted to or not.

"What?" he asked, when he saw me in his chair.

"I need your help." I said "I need to speak to Ice."

"No can do." he said "You know the rules. They call you, not the other way round."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2014 ⏰

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