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We walked out of the room and I bumped into some random teacher.

Because I didn't want the teachers to hate me too soon I apologised.

"Oh, I'm sorry." I said then I looked up and saw who I was talking to.


Back to normal ...

"OH MY GOD!!! SEAL!! WHAT YOU DOING!!!" I shouted.

"I'm good. What brings you to this side of the neighbourhood?" He asked me sarcastically.

"We're in a completely different neighbourhood. Lool. I might have got caught..."

"NO WAY! You, Dodge, got caught!" He said surprised.

"Yeah, I was shocked to. But anyway, I was caught and they decided to send me here. What you doing?" I asked.

"Pretty much the same. Except I have to teach. It's shit but better than prison." He said with a shrug.

"I'd call Lee if I were you, him and Han were pretty pissed when you left. They thought you walked." I explained.

"No way! It was my life! I couldn't ever walk out on it!" He shouted. He sounded pissed off to be honest.

"I didn't think you would walk but why didn't you call or go see them?" I asked, my curiosity getting the better of me.

"I can't just walk out. I need permission from the head or Miss Balack. They didn't let me bring a phone with me and I don't know their number." he explained.

I hugged him, Seal was like a dad to me.

I'd known him for years and I knew him better than I knew Lee wor Han. Han was great if I wanted to talk about girl stuff but she was as much of A tomboy as I was and Lee ignored you unless you were asking him to arrange a fight for you. Seal would talk to you any time. He taught me the best way to take out my opponent and how to block, or dodge. That was how I got my name. Seal always said I would never block, always dodge. He called me it and it just stuck.

"You can borrow my phone if you want." I suggested.

"You have your phone!" he shouted, shocked.

"Yeah, but unless you keep your voice down, I won't have it long." I said "Now do you want it or not."

"That'd be great. Do you have Lee's number?" he asked.

"Yeah, but I'd call Han if I were you. She'd probably listen. Lee, not so much." I said.

"You're forgetting I'm his brother."

"Oh no I'm not. I think that made him more annoyed. Look here's my phone." I said, pulling my phone out of my sock.

"What. Are. They?" he asked indicating my fags.

"Cigerets." I said.

"Give me them. Now." he growled authoritively.

"No, they're mine. I paid for them!"

"I mean it Dodge." he said.

"I mean it Seal! I smoke!" I said.

"No, you don't. Not anymore. Give. Them. Here. Now!" he said, his voice rising.

"Oh come on Seal! It's my last pack! I'll stop afterwards!" I whined.

"NOW DODGE!" he shouted.

"How bout I don't smoke em, I just give em to my mates?" I suggested.


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