Fight #1

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I nodded to Lee and went into a garage to the right of the ring.

My side of the ring.

Well, I say ring. It was just a crowd that had gathered around and left a circle in the middle clear.

I claimed myself down.

This is vlog! I thought. An ant could beat her!

I heard Lee over the loud speaker.

'For the second fight tonight, we have Vlog! And the undefeated DODGE!!!! And there is still time to place your bets ladies and gentlemen. Fighting starts in one minuet! Get your bet in now!'

Of course Lee was advertising betting when he was introducing my fight.

That was so, Lee!

I heard the Garage door go up just a little bit. The creak gave it away.

"Who's there?" I asked.

"You're worst nightmare!" Said the person, trying to imitate a darfvader voice.

"Wow Shock, orginal." I muttered.

"Now is that anyway to talk to your amazingly caring and ever present brother?" He asked.

"Ever present? I ain't seen you for days!"

I ran over to him and hugged him.

"You fucking dick! I've missed you!" I hissed in his ear.

"Don't get emotional. I need you to win. I've got fifty quid riding on this fight. Don't let me down ever caring sister..." He said with a smirk.

Ever caring?

"What do you want?" I asked him cautiously.

Last time I asked Shock what he wanted he ended up in the zoo trying to steal an elephant...

Another story for another time.

"My mate ain't got a home. I was wondering if..."

"I could talk to Lee an try and convince him to let your mate join?"


"No. You're just predictable." I said with a smirk "Now piss off. I'm on in like a millisecond."

"Right ho."

Right ho?

What was this? The fricken sixties.

Then I heard Lee's voice over the speaker again.


I walked out of the garage and into the middle of the gathering.

"Shake hands." Said Seal who was refereeing.

We complied.

"Please try not to kill each other and broken bones are a preferable miss. Try not to cause any permanent damage that I would find hard to explain." He muttered so only we could hear him.

I nodded.

"Love you Seal." I whispered.

He nodded.

He walked out of the circle and joined the crowd.

'On three.' Lee said over the speaker 'One. Two. Three.'

I automatically pulled my arms up to my face to try and protect it.

I saw Jenny do the same.

Basic fighting.

She took a random swing to try and hit me, but even she knew it wasn't anywhere close enough to hit me.

I grabbed her arm and twisted it behind her back.

I kneed her in the bottom of the back and she fell to the floor.

Everyone started clapping.

I had won.

First one down loses.

"FOUL!" shouted Seal.

"What the hell!" I screamed and VLOG pulled herself up from the floor.

"First hit must be above the waist." He explained with a shrug.

"SINCE WHEN!" I shouted.

"Since I was refereeing."

I huffed but got back into position.

I raised my arms again, then the whistle blew.

Vlog sent the first punch again, this time she hit my on the forearm.

I went straight in with a punch to the stomach.

While she was winded, I cracked my elbow on her shoulder. It sent her flying to the ground.

I had won.


Shock ran over to me and engulfed me in a hug.

"Well done!" He said before Seal pushed him out of the way.

"You were amazing!" Shouted Seal.

He dragged me into an empty garage.

"What..." I said.

"I need to clean you up a bit before we leave. And we need to leave soon as."

"Do we have to go back?" I asked "I'll miss Shock! And Lee! And- ok, maybe not Han. But still!"

"Sorry Dodge."

Seal wrapped my hands up in bandages even though they were fine.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"I'm making sure you hands are ok." He replied.

"But they're fine!" I said.

"I'm not taking you back with swollen hands Dodge."

We sat there for a little while.

Seal was enjoying the quiet.

Me, not so much.

Ice walked in and came over to me.

"Congratulations!" He said.

"Don't just stand there! I think I've earned a hug!"

He hugged me awkwardly, then he left.

"He loves you." Said Seal.

"No he doesn't! He barely knows me!" I responded.

"Trust me Dodge. I've been reading emotions for longer than you could ever imagine. He loves you."

I went over to Lee.

He handed me a bag of money.

"Winnings." He said with a smile.

"After you've taken your share right?" I asked.

"Ahh Dodge, you're finally wishing up to the world."

Me, Ice and Seal went and got back into the car.

Back to the prison! I thought.


Authors note


Just finished planning for this book!!! It's got more than a few changes.... I'll tell you that for nothing :)

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Next update: 21-24th March

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