⭐7- on a hill ~ joseph x reader

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(hey! im doing this thing now where i pitch fic ideas inside my oneshot book to see if people would like them. each pitch will have a star icon next to its chapter title [it wont be the official name of the book] and include the mc and their love interest, if there is one at all)


(Y/n) and Joseph live in a little house on a hill.

It was quaint, and small, and held everything they'd ever need, including their old, little cat Hermit. 

Naturally so, they were in love, and had fallen for each other in such a way that it was nearly impossible to tear them apart.


(Y/n) would spend their days rearranging the puzzle that was their special little room, where paintings would never be seen hanging in the same spot twice, and flower pots would be turned sideways and sometimes strung from the ceiling. Where it would seem as though the eyes in photographs would follow you as you moved, and the shadows behind the curtains would dance.

Joseph entertained himself by meddling with things he shouldn't, as any curious person would. 

You see, their meek, thrilling little town had quite the problem, ghouls of all sorts emerging when the sun would set. And normally, their terror and cries for blood and death, or whatever they happened to crave, would stop when the sun would rise again.

Until one day, it didn't.

No, the ghouls didn't find a way to walk around in the sunlight that'd char them to a crisp. The sun simply set one night, and never came back.

So Joseph, being the protective husband, and skilled inventor, he was, ended up tinkering with things he shouldn't have. He thought he was so smart, so genius, to have made a pair of gloves that could store, and conduct electricity to kill those creatures lurking outside. 

And yet, he never once thought about the worry of his dear spouse when he went out to kill those vile things himself.

(Y/n) watched as he'd disappear in what would've been the morning, and not return until evening, littered with scars and freckled with blood that certainly wasn't his own. He had to do it, he said, watching as his frightful lover would back away from the blank stare he gave them. He had to do it to protect them, and the funny room they loved so much.

He would go out, time after time, and get rid of whatever evil awaited him; Unaware of the most peculiar mark lashed across his back he'd gain from one fateful encounter.

The pain from it would only settle in days later, when he collapsed right as he came through the door, forcing his spouse to drag him inside and help him through his troubles. 

Later in the night, or whatever time of day it would be, right after (Y/n) had treated him, the man went mad. And not just any sort of silly, or as though he belonged in a hospital. No, certainly not!

Joseph had gone fully feral. Knocking things over, foaming at the mouth, eyes snapping all along the room he was in, searching for something to bite at. He didn't seem any more dead than those things outside.

And that's what drove (Y/n) to kill him.

It was sad, so terribly awful. They cried the entire time, apologized to ears that'd never listen, and prayed that their own heart would stop the moment his did. They hoped that something, anything, would just end their misery, and hold them accountable for their sin.

And nothing did. 

Families would still get torn apart by whatever these things are, people like Joseph will still die, and people like (Y/n) would be left alone. None was coming to save them, any of them.

The pain they felt, the hollow sensation in their chest, they wouldn't wish this on their worst enemy. And as they threw together a messy bag, and locked the strange room of theirs forever, sealed with a secret inside others had yet to know of, they thought to prevent others of this misfortune. 

They would become the guardian of this wretched place, and fix whatever happened to their dear daylight.

As it turned out, others felt the same way, each with their own terrible experience to share and justify what they want to do to the zombies, vampires, or whatever those things are that are causing people to drop like flies.

And then finally, (Y/n) took one final look at their cottage, still bright on the inside from fire left lit, and smiled, hoping Joseph would somehow see it as though he was alive... Though it was impossible.

They knew this, too, and instead of looking for his grinning face peeking through the veiled windows, they pushed onwards, keeping the secret of their strange room locked inside the back of their mind, the secret not even their precious late husband would know of.

(Y/n) and Joseph lived in a little house on a hill.

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