18- Can't Keep Secrets~ Illuso x Reader

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lawd have mercy that's actually so cute

let's do it


Who knew Illuso kept a diary?

It's an unassuming little secret, a plain leather book with scrawled entries on each page, kept hidden in the mirror world and away from prying eyes. No one's ever seen Illuso own a single book, his room practically barren of any unmaterialistic thing, so naturally your curiosity had gotten to you.

Honest, you'd only originally gone in there looking for him, opening his door when he wouldn't answer your insistent knocking. It was the first thing that had caught your eye, laying pretty on his nightstand, practically inviting you to take a peek.

From the moment you flipped to the first page, you couldn't stop reading. The skin of the book became glued to your fingers, and your eyes desperately clung to every word, scanning one sentence after another as you got a taste of his thoughts. 

He whined about Prosciutto an awful lot, also complaining about how he wished Ghiaccio had a mute button so he could shut him up when he pleased. There was entries for Formaggio, where he prayed that he'd someday get the opportunity to catch him while he was shrunk to store him in a jar and shake him around. There was entries for Melone, where he often noted how he's really not that bad of a guy, just a little off. 

There were ones for Pesci and Risotto, the latter of which had you the most interested. It was cute seeing how much  he respected his captain, despite his several... criticisms about how he walks too quietly.

Then, of course, you were bound to fin an entry about you. Several, actually. The first ones entered talked about how bitchy you were, how much of a twat he thought you were, that you needed to learn your place if he were to ever respect you.

That wasn't too different from how he seemed to think of you now, to be frank. Constantly making jabs at you, barking at you for every little thing like it was the end of the world-- you seriously doubted there'd be much of a change in his opinion of you if you read any further.

But life is full of surprises. Such an example could be when he noted he had, even if just in the slightest way, a bit of attraction to you. 

With a newfound hunger to see just how far this attraction went, you flipped through the pages endlessly, smile growing wider each time you caught your name in wanton paragraphs. At one point, it looked like he had a wet dream. How cute.

"What the fuck are you doing." The words pulled your head from the fantasies of the man that stood horrified at the door, a smug smile stretching your face. "Where did you get that."

Illuso could practically see your ego inflate as you waved the book around cheekily, "Oh, this old thing? Found it on your little table, thought I'd have a peek. It's not everyday Illuso has a book in his room."

Every speck of color drains of his face when he sees just what page you're on, the room spinning like a carousel. "Put that down."

His words are nary more than a squeak, and even if you'd bothered to hear them, you'd still prefer not listen. Your finger gingerly finds its way to the page, dragging along the bottom of a sentence languidly, making a show of just how amused you were as you giggled to yourself. 

"Oh, my," You sigh. "Is this really what you think of me? And this whole time, I was sure you hated me, Lulu~"

"Please, put it down." His voice became louder, however slight. The sound of fear was transparent.

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