🍏6- all hers~ vendetta x reader

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request: Ok, the bottom in me is saying, nio ask for some protective bf vendetta... But the top in me is yelling, no get that angsty flirting lime vendetta And either way I am d o w n

awooga? ofc imma do this one

honestly, i didnt think that vendetta would get a request, but here we are!

i hope i did good! 

(im assuming you want this in the casino setting, so that's where this'll take place)


vendetta is just a bit smarter than he lets on.

he knows what makes (y/n) tick, what gets her on edge, what makes her smile, and frown. he knows what gets her riled up, what calms her down, and what gets her turned on. its all thanks to his many years in the damned casino, letting him pick up her patterns and habits without her even taking notice.

as of recently, she'd been distant, a bit too involved with whatever little battle was going on in her head. often times, she'd be caught staring off into space, or mindlessly flipping a coin while looking blankly at the ceiling. 

it was strange, to say the least.

even worse, (y/n) had gotten more irritable, even a bit snappy, constantly picking on even the littlest things with a frown and making the other employees miserable.

lucky for them, vendetta just so happened to know how to bring (y/n)s mood right back up.

it started off small, with him leaving little compliments here and there and maybe dropping off a glass or two of whiskey on her desk with a smile. with time, it grew, and he became bold enough to do a few suggestive acts. perhaps he'd whisper some sickeningly sweet comments in her ear as he passes her by, or he'd let his fingers dwindle around her waist when at her side.

whatever he did, he certainly didn't expect that it'd get him to where he is right now.

"oh goodness, angel, look at that pretty face you're making for me." (y/n) purred, running her free hand up his back as the other was busy clawing at his thigh. "you're so good, such a good boy..."

those sweet praises murmured with a weak voice, the rough kisses and bites decorating his neck and chest, the hands dancing along his body and keeping him close, it was like something out of a fantasy.

he burned with lust, a fire growing in the pit of his stomach and sending the rest of his body igniting with another praise from her.

"you're so good for me, so good, good, good... you wanted this, didn't you? you want to be controlled and taken care of, dont you baby?"

all he could do was mumble incoherent words in response, his babbles growing more stretched and airy the closer her hands drew to the hem of his pants, body curving into hers to fit like a puzzle piece as he begged, begged, for her to do him faster.

of course, (y/n) had a plentiful of things that got her going, as such was exposed by her dear friends a while back... and knowing this, vendetta made sure to follow at least one of those kinks along the list.


that's what she seemed to look for in a partner, from what he could tell. someone that presents themselves as brave and strong-willed, but easily capable of being crushed beneath her thumb. its not like vendetta would ever think that he'd have a chance at domming her, anyway, she'd somehow find a way to make him fold. she always did.

"go on, you filthy thing," she growled, hands retreating from his body to sit on her armrests, "strip."

and he did so without second thought, frantically crawling off of her lap and ridding himself of whatever cloth (y/n) left on his body, which really wasn't much.

all that was left to do was sit and wait, wait for his next command, next order, looking up into the shining green eyes of his boss with a trembling body and eager grin. a feverish heat sparked in his chest when she leaned her head on her hand, staring down at him with a contemplative gaze.

"what is it you want me to do to you, darling? you must have some idea in your mind to go through all this trouble for my attention." her voice was dangerously low; smooth and husk like the finest chocolate, but sharp and rough as a knife.

"pl-please, please, please, I can't-"

"use your words, boy. else i wont lay a finger on you."

"no, no! use me, please, im begging you! use me until i cant think, do whatever you want to me, ju-just--"

vendetta soon found himself snatched by the chin, head jolted forward by a powerful hand digging their fingers into his cheeks. "my goodness, you could've just said so, babydoll! i'll carve you up nice and pretty, make you mine, all mine... wont you like that?"

hers, all hers; that sounded like heaven! exactly what he wanted, what he waited all this time for!

"i'm sure you would." a quick look at her lit phone made her smile grow wider, a devilish glint reflecting off her eye when she sighed, "...but that'll have to wait."

vendettas mood instantly dropped. desperate, he began to claw at (y/n)s hand when she pulled away from him, begging for even a moment more of her fleeting touch against his skin before it was all too late.

"oh, ven, dont you look at me like that," she chuckled, catching his pout, "mister d'arby needs me for something, so you'll have  to excuse me. i promise i'll be back in a few minutes."

oh, but how he wished that was true! its been ten minutes, going on fifteen since (y/n) had left him in her office to writhe, finish himself off to whatever sick fantasy he conjured up in his head to help him. 

he hated that he was the one always put on hold, always last in line for her attention, the scrap left from dinner that no one would bother to eat.

but it doesn't matter at this point. 

soon enough, she'll be his, and he'll be hers.

hers, all hers.


(should we do a part 2 lads, or leave as is?)

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