20- Sweet Things~ Avdol x fem!reader

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request: Perhaps for the circus fic... 👉👈 I really really would like for there to be a scene where it's just like,,, Abdul and reader super wholesome bonding time while baking cakes out of pure boredom? You know, like cheesy lines and the classic "oh, you've got something on your face" as one of them takes frosting off the other's lips and then taste it while saying how nice it tastes but "surely not as sweet as I'd imagine YOU to be" 😳😳👉👈



I had SO much fun writing this chapter that i think it should be apart of the fic-- would you, dear requester, mind if I added it in? 


On one of the rare days the circus is at a standstill, where no children fill the empty stands and silence echoes through the tent's halls, the performers find themselves especially bored. 

If you were to listen closely, you could hear the thump of Gyro's juggling balls hitting the wall, the gentle scribbling of Bruno's pen as he tries over and over to write something down, before crumpling his paper and adding it to the growing stack of failure beside him.

Avdol hasn't got much to entertain himself with, not like all the other performers. It's days like these where time passes particularly slow, that he would practice routines with Caesar, though he knew the fool had gone out earlier to meet with that lover of his, the mystery man he never reveals.

So he ended up practicing by himself, swinging from bar to bar on the trapeze just so he's not mad with boredom. He goes and flips and catches it all the same, a quickly numbing occupation that easily loses its effect.

With his mind elsewhere, his body is out of tune, and he falls to the safety net without even realizing it. It's only when he recognizes his hand to be empty, he thinks, "Oh, now I've done it."

Spiders chirped in amusement just out of sight, as he clambered and rolled trying to escape the nets cradle. Being laughed at by the eight-legged things was just as humiliating as it sounded, for surely they'd later tell (Y/n) of his fall.

Ah, but wait, what was she doing today? Everyone is just as bored as each other, he's sure, so she must be as well. Perhaps he could invite her out-?

No, not on a date! Never a date! Just, a walk maybe, or to go pick some flowers from the market...?

Oh, whatever, he might as well check to see what she's doing first before fretting over something that might not even happen.

His nose leads him to the kitchen like a dog on a leash, where a mixture of vanilla and sugar caught his attention much quicker than the spiders following close behind him.

"Oh, Avdol! Nice to see you!" A voice says, something he could barely hear over the sound of a whisk meeting a bowl. 

He was barely able to see (Y/n) beneath the asylum of flour bags and cupcake tins, but if he were to crane his head just over the tower of measuring cups and liners, he could see a little black hat bouncing around the kitchen with fervor.

She was almost unrecognizable without her tailcoat, white sleeves rolled to her elbows and apron hiding her clothes. It looked a size too large, but that was also likely because it was Okuyasu's apron, given the embroidery on the chest read his name in threaded letters.

"Yeah, always a joy to see you as well," Avdol says, shuffling into the small kitchen. "What is it you're doing?"

"Baking!" She quickly replied, showing her mixing bowl with pride. "The spiders wanted cupcakes today, and I thought they deserved a treat for their hard work."

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