14- goodnight ~doppio x reader

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request: can i request a doppio/diavolo x reader but its just fluff?

of course my guy

here you go!


"What an adorable little thing." A voice whispered, locks of pink brushed from the slumbering hazels eyes of their lover. "How cute~"

He didn't even make it half-way through the movie before Doppio crashed onto your lap, holding onto your arm as he utilized your thigh as a pillow, the lightest of sleepy mumbles barely making it past his lips.

He promised, he knew he did, that he'd be able to stay up for the movie with you-- Right after he had heard you were suffering from insomnia that night. But the poor thing couldn't keep his eyes open, and after hearing the soft whispers of the sandman coax him to rest, he found no better a spot than right on top of you.

Sighing, you flicked the tv off, and basked in the empty hum of static till it died out. It was peaceful tonight, far more than it was any other. The cats outside weren't fighting, Doppio wasn't randomly called to work, and you weren't cursing someone out over the phone about another persons money.

Sure, who knows if this will last forever, but for now, what else is there to do but enjoy it?

"Alright my sleepy baby," You cooed, scooping him into your arms, "let's get you to bed."

Your shared room was everything and nothing at the same time. It was the best place to be, but it always felt like it was missing something. Maybe a little picture here, or a desk over there-- no, that's not right, the desk would go by that, and maybe if you found a good mirror, you could put it over...

Ah, forget it, how would you ever know what this room was missing? You already have a desk. You already have a picture frame. You already have a mirror. What was missing? What is it you're not seeing?

It hit you like a meteor striking earth the moment you tucked Doppio into bed, his light hand gently limp against the soft pillow he rested on. 

That's right. This room was missing a Doppio with a ring on his finger.

But that'll be fixed tomorrow.

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