17- Teddy Teddy

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request: Apr 07, 2021 I am having a hellish past few weeks, and with state testing coming up for my state and school, I was wondering if you could make an Okuyasu x Reader? Fluff is awesome, but if you wanna do something else, maybe a fluffy lemon? Surprise me for the plot of you wish to do this!

i feel so fucking bad getting to this so late-- with 20+ fics to update including this one, it gets a bit stressful trying to keep up. 

i didn't know what you'd want for a lemon since it wasn't really specified, so i kept it just a fluff this time around unless you ask for one :<

I'm not very good with fluff so hope this is ok (⊙_⊙;)


To say you couldn't move was an understatement. Many might think that despite your situation, you could still at least shift a couple of inches, right? No, that couldn't have been anymore wrong.

Okuyasu is a big guy, everyone knows that. He's muscly, tall, and definitely weighs a good sum more than average. He also likes to lay on top of you as if he's as light as a feather.

It happens without warning most times. You'll be sitting on the couch, watching tv, and then boom. Okuyasu's on your lap. Or, perhaps, you'll be taking a peaceful nap, when the door will suddenly creak open and you hear a delighted burst of giggles. Then boom. Okuyasu's cosplaying as your blanket.

It's not like it's bothersome, or you don't like it, because god knows how touch-starved you were all your life, it can just be... how would you put this? 

You like his cuddling, but you also like breathing.

"Babe, please," You strained, "I can't even lift my arm."

No response came from him, at least, nothing more than a grunt as he held onto you tighter. Which, of course, made it significantly harder to get a breath in.

He's like a weighted blanket, if that blanket weighed around two hundred pounds.

At this point, you were sure he was asleep, the steady push and pull of his chest against yours slowing to an almost still pace, gentle snores leaving his mouth every now and then in his wistful slumber. 

Again, the problem is not his affection, it's the fact that it was nearly suffocating. You had only one free arm, the one rubbing his back, and as much as you wanted to muster all of your strength to slide him down a bit for even a second of oxygen, you just weren't that strong.

But you had to try despite the obvious signs of failure called 'you're weak', and did your best to at least shimmy him down so that his head was on your chest rather than beneath your chin. It worked, to some extent, and you felt proud enough to scream with victory. That was, until he moved back up and fell asleep in the same spot before.

Alright, new plan. What would get him to move? 

Okuyasu is pretty ticklish, and hoping you can use that to your advantage, you reach to prod at his sides and drag your nails across his neck. Sadly, all that managed to accomplish was making him smile in his sleep and crawl further up, his head finally level with yours with his breath fanning against your ear.

Great. That didn't work either.

You try rocking him back and forth to maybe gain momentum to roll him off of you. Doesn't work either, he just crawls right back on. You try playing music to maybe spur him awake so that you can get out of his little trap. Also doesn't work, he merely hums it in his sleep. You even tried outright telling him to get up. But you could guess how that ended up.

So there you lay, wondering if that was how you went out, crushed to death without even getting to say goodbye to anyone. It's an untimely demise, but one that was expected.

He begins to shift up even more, and by the time he's settled again, you're practically being suffocated by his chest, with his legs resting on either side of your waist, holding you still.

This is the end. You can see the light, which is totally not just the lightbulb, and the heavens part in the distant sky. The pearly gates await your passing soul, and the angels sing as you draw near.

Again, Okuyasu begins to shuffle around, and you wonder if this will be the finishing move. He begins to tilt, leaning to his side more and more with each passing second, and you finally manage to catch a breath, the sight of the afterlife leaving swiftly.

In one grand movement, he falls on his back, and you begin to think 'Victory is mine!', though that was before you realized he'd dragged you with him. You're practically thrown on top of his chest like a ragdoll, freedom right within your grasp when his large, calloused hands go back to hugging you close. 

Despite being unconscious, his body still functioned like it was awake, taking your forehead and pressing it to his lips before letting it rest there as he smiled against your skin.

Y'know what? Maybe this isn't so bad.







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