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The air in the cafe grew colder around you and you froze in your position. This was the fight you wanted to avoid, with the people you wanted to avoid it with. These guys were the best of the best, the most skilled spies and assassins you knew of. Their reputation was so extraordinary, so elusive, that no one even believed they existed; not even you.

Well, until now.

You knew what your next move was. The only way out of here was to find each member and and take them out one by one before moving on to the next. The only way of escape was to face them individually.

You were outnumbered 7 to 1 and you didn't like your chances.

Even if they appeared in pairs you knew your chances of escape at least halved. But, you had 5 unopened canisters, a pen knife and an old hand gun that you kept in the bottom of your bag, fully loaded if need be. Your confidence boosted a little at this information.

You scanned your eyes over the cafe and tried to spot things that were different, unusual, out of place. On the surface level there was nothing, not a hair.

Damn these guys are good.

A single bead of sweat ran down your forehead, cooling your flushed skin. You'd never sweat in the cafe, the overhead air conditioner that ran through the vents kept you cool. Tae insisted on keeping them turned on 24/7  because he despised the muggy hot air that inevitably drifted through the cafe in the spring. Only today they had been turned off, deliberately.

Without moving your head, your eyes flicked upwards to the vent above you. The silver plates that stacked onto of each other in a square formation had small black gaps between them to let the air ventilate, the perfect width for your knife to squeeze through.

You liked your chances.

Sejin said you had always been good at knife throwing, so good you could have specialised in it instead of chemical warfare after your time in The Pit. But, to you at least, it wasn't always exact; you could slip, misjudge the angle, be intercepted. All things you hoped wouldn't happen in the next thirty seconds.

Slowly, you removed the knife from your pocket and flicked the blade out with your thumb. Your intention wasn't to kill whoever may be lurking above it, just injure them enough so they wouldn't pursue you afterwards. In your minds eye you imagined the position someone would be in above the vent, the position you would have been in if it were you, and aimed your throw at where you believed their thigh would be.

You took a deep breath, locked your eyes on the target and threw the knife. It span ferociously through the air and for a moment you were convinced you had misjudged the angle. But the noise that greeted your ears next ensured yourself that this wasn't the case.


Despite the knife that was lodged in his leg, Yoongi still managed to land in front of you in a perfect crouch just like a cat would and you couldn't help but appreciate his skill.

"I told them you were good" he huffed.

You took a second to take in his appearance, his ash grey hair sat perfectly under the straps of his gas mask.

Great, they know my specialty.

This was gonna be harder than you had wanted. You needed to get that mask off.

Without giving him time to spring into action you ran over to the crouched man. But he was quick. As soon as you got into his perimiter he flung out his good leg and tripped you up so you were now on the same level he was.

"We're good too, Y/N" he smirked as he looked into your eyes. Mask to mask.

The next move was simple and you couldn't believe he hadn't beat you to it. Flinging your head back as far as you can, you head butted Yoongi. The worst this would do would give him a mild concussion but that was enough.

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