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Confusion. That was the only thing running through your mind as you walked back with Tae and Jin to your 'room'. What the hell was that all about. Did Jimin just try to kiss you?

No surely not. 

But it did look like he wanted to ... and it did feel like he did. You recalled the details of the event in your mind, every move, every breath and wondered how much of it was for show. Looking back now, you were shocked by how flustered he made you. For a spilt second you had no control over your body, your breath, your heartbeat,  and you were ready to play along with his game. If that's what it was. Overall you were disappointed at your lack of control. This was your chance to show the guys what they were really dealing with and you got ... flustered? And worse of all because Jimin was flirting with you? That is unacceptable. 

2 escorts this time? They must have been impressed. You thought to yourself  sarcastically as you walked back to your 'room'.

After you won the fight, Namjoon and Hobi carried Jimin off to his room as he lay unconscious, Yoongi assuring them that he would only be out for an hour or so, and Namjoon instructed Tae and Jin to take you back to your room. He seemed to resume a natural authoritative roll when Jimin was out of the picture which the rest of the group respected and obeyed. You thought to yourself that you must find out why this is.

"Y/N I knew you were skilled and everything but that was insane." Tae beamed at you from your right and you couldn't help but let a sheepish grin escape. Maybe they didn't notice the seconds of hesitation on the floor. You were glad with your decision to befriend the curly haired fun ball again, it was nice to know that there was somebody out there looking out for you, if only for a little while. 

Your likeness for the man was genuine though which caused you difficulties. 1/7 of the group was all you had to befriend for your chances of escape to increase, but in turn you would have to lose that friend in the action. You didn't think you could do this to Tae, he seemed genuinely happy when you were around and you had to admit to yourself that the effect of company was a two way road. Yoongi was going to be hard to deceive too, he was a naturally suspicious individual and he had shown you some kindness in your time at their base. As a naturally suspicious individual you knew how hard this may have been for him and you sympathised with that. 

Damn why do they have to start showing humanity now?

"Yeah I've got to admit Y/N, you are stronger than you look.' Jin smiled at you and you returned a sheepish eyebrow raise in return. If you were being honest to yourself you were still a bit scared of Jin. How one man could go from a purple haired god to a terrifying beast still baffled you. 

It didn't take you long to get back to your room, the pair decided to not blindfold you so you now had a partial mental map of the base to help you with your pending escape plan. 

"Well, this is you Y/N" Tae tapped on your door before leaning on its frame, blocking both you and Jin from entering.  "Maybe I can talk to Namjoon Hyung and see if you can join us for dinner this evening!"

Before you could reply however, Jin gave a sharp intake of breath. "Uhhh I don't think that's such a good idea." Tae rolled his eyes at his Hyung's response but didn't speak any more on the matter.  "No offence or anything Y/N, but you are still technically our 'prisoner' and I don't think it's very appropriate. Plus I wouldn't want to be stepping on anyone's toes." Jin's lips twisted into a smirk and your heart dropped. Maybe Jin saw your moments of hesitation in The Arena with Jimin?

"I don't know what you're talking about." You calmly replied while cracking your neck. Maybe you were wrong and he didn't see? His raised eyebrows and smile said other wise.

"We'll see." Jin said while maintaining his expression, causing you to roll your eyes and walk past Tae into your 'room.' 

But when you entered you noticed something was different. The mirrors had been covered. In their place hung heavy grey floor length curtains that covered every inch of reflection. "Hey Tae, what happened to the, uh, mirrors?" 

Unassumingly the man popped his head in and explained, "Oh Jimin got Jk and Hobi-Hyung to put them up before the fight. I think he talked to Yoongi-Hyung? Anyway, I'll swing by later to keep you company, Jin says Namjoon- Hyung is calling a meeting. Maybe it'll be about how impressed he was with your fight?" 

You highly doubted this but didn't want to rain on his parade. "Yeah, maybe." And with that, the curly mop of black hair disappeared behind your door. You slid your back against the door's cool exterior and stared at the room. No more mirrors. You took a deep breath out and it felt like a weight had been lifted off your shoulders. Avoiding their gaze had been tiring and the consistency of them in your subconscious was giving you nightmares. It didn't escape you that this was Jimin's doing. Yoongi must have told him that you weren't fond of them and in response Jimin got the boys to cover them up. Considering he didn't know how much they bothered you this was a surprising move from him. It appeared that he was truly trying to make you comfortable. But why? They're about to hand you over any day now if you don't escape before then. 

And then a thought flashed across your mind. Maybe his actions in The Arena weren't for show?Although you fought the warm feeling off, a smile threaded to linger at the corners of your mouth as a slight breeze brushed against you arm from the crack in the door that Tae forgot to close...


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