•So Far, So Good•

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"So far, so good" Jimin thought as he looked at you asleep in the back of the van. He had made sure you were laying on some cushions to keep you comfy and stop you from banging your head. He didn't trust Namjoon Hyung's driving. This was much to Yoongi Hyung's protest as he claimed he needed the cushions more than you due to his stabbed leg. To stop his whining, Jimin said he could sit in the front with Joonie Hyung. 

Jimin wanted to keep an eye on you anyway. The Academy had put him in charge of this mission, the first time he had ever been in charge of a mission, and he didn't want to mess it up, for the boys sake. He wouldn't be the one to get punished. They would. All they had to do was give you a bit of a scare and return you to Chul-Moo in one piece. 

Easy enough, right? He thought.

But as you lay there, Jimin ran a hand through his hair and thought you looked peaceful in your slumber, calm and at ease. Your soft breaths fanned your hair ever so slightly and the delicate scent of vanilla and strawberries travelled through the van and attacked his senses. There was something about you that hypnotised him. To him, you looked so innocent and pure but you actions were sly and deadly. It was ... intruging. There was also that nagging familiarity about you that ate away at Jimin and he couldn't shake it, no matter how hard he tried. 

Since he had met you on that first day, Jimin was taken back by your appearance. Most of the girls he had ran into at The Academy were hardened and burly, but not you. He knew he had to keep his distance and act like an asshole whenever he saw you, that way you would hate him and he could grow to hate you. life would be much easier. But for now, he got to enjoy the peaceful view for another hour or so, then the gas would wear off. He should know, chemical warfare was his specialty.

"Jimin-ssi" called Tae from the open van doors. "We're almost done with the clean up. Jin Hyung and Hobi Hyung are still passed out though, we'll have to lift them in."

Tae was Jimin's best friend, he was the only member of the group he knew before life in The Academy and was the one who told The Academy about Jimin. Not that Jimin had ever blamed him, they were only 8 when they got recruited. 

Tae's family were poverty stricken so the young boy used to rob everywhere and anywhere to help provide for them, and he was never caught, still hasn't been caught for any of those crimes technically. Tae was good at hiding, always had been. He seemed to fade into the background in a split second, even if you were looking for him he could just slip right by. This is why it wasn't a surprise to Jimin when Tae decided to specialise in disguise and camoflauge.

And it wasn't a surprise to Tae when Jimin decided to specialise in chemical warfare. As a kid, Jimin used to make smoke bombs for Tae to help him out on the robberies. Somehow though the boss found Tae and thought he had potential. He promised Tae that his family would be protected and live a life of peace and riches if Tae faked his death and offered The Academy his services. So, he did and told them Jimin was the key to his success. Jimin obliged to go with Tae, he didn't have anyone he needed to protect apart from Tae and this way they got to stay together. 

"Okay Tae-ssi, you stay here and watch Y/N, I'll go check on the Hyungs and Kookie."

Tae sat down on the floor next to you and started tapping his finger on the floor.

"I know I wasn't supposed to be friends with her but I just couldn't help it. She liked my jokes. Only Jin Hyung likes my jokes around here so it was nice to have a new audience. She's a good egg Jiminie, I don't want to let her go."

Jimin locked his jaw at his friends admission, Tae was his one weakness but he couldn't afford to succumb to his best friend's wishes this time.

"We don't have a choice Taehyungie, you know this. Besides, she never seemed all that great to me.

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