Chapter 1

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I've got this friend, I don't think you know him.
He's not much for words. He's hidden his heart away. Oh I've got this friend, a loveless romantic.
All that he really wants is someone to want him back...

I've got this friend, I don't think you know her.
She sings a simple song, it sounds a lot like his. Oh I've got this friend, holding onto her heart like it's a little secret like it's all she's got to give...


Rumbling down Main with Jax beside him, Opie glanced around and smiled to himself. The weather was nice, things had finally calmed within himself with Lyla helping him ignore the pain. Of course, the internal trauma he'd suffered since Chino was present and depressing but he felt a calm in that depression. They were on a ride to the cabin to check on Piney when he caught a short brunette with numerous brightly colored tattoos on her way toward Hanna's. He was sure they'd have noticed someone like that before; she wasn't an average citizen of Charming. Gesturing to Jax to look they both shrugged, apparently he hadn't seen her before either.

Mae strolled into Hanna's in her white polka dot tank top and black shorts and parked herself in the booth where Half-Sack was waiting.

"Hi Kip." She smiled sweetly. "How are you?"

Half-Sack shied away and smiled, his teeth chewing away at his straw. "I'm good, you know. Thanks for meeting me."

"You're welcome. I like to keep in touch." She reached across and touched his hand as they ordered. "How are you, really?" She asked once the waitress left. "We talked about that," she pointed to his cut. "Can't steer clear of the danger, can you?"

He shrugged. "They're good guys."

"I don't know them personally to say but I know it's dangerous. Good or bad, you know that doesn't register with me short of really sick shit, I just don't want you compromising anything. You've come a long way."

"I didn't call you for a session." He said disappointedly. "I guess you're still working at the VA?"

"I am. I was transferred down here from Oakland last week though. You know, I'm still seeing guys from your platoon. You really cut out early."

"I don't need a shrink, Mae."

"I don't think you do, I think you need a friend. Hell, even I need a friend."

"That's why I called you here." They both leaned back as the waitress them their served lunch. "I wanted to see if we could go out to dinner. We have lunches but I wanted to take you out, like on a date."

The question hit her just as Mae took the first bit of her salad. Covering her mouth, she chewed quickly while Kip kept awkward eye contact with her. "Kip." She started before taking a long sip of water.

"Friends." She smiled. "We're friends. Besides, I can't date you after being your therapist, it's weird and really it's against code on conduct and there are ethical issues." With a giggle, she shrugged. "You're too young anyway, you're not my type," She joked.

"It's okay; I just think you're a lesbian now." She puffed out his chest. "Women can't resist me."

"You're right. I just love chicks."

They shared a few laughs, caught up and ate their lunch. Truth was, Kip was physically attracted to Mae but it wasn't a crushing blow for her to turn him down. She knew he was looking for something and it certainly wasn't her. It was easily explainable; the closeness he felt came from their therapy sessions after his deployment not some deep love.

"You find a place yet?"

"No." She rolled her eyes as their plates were cleared. "I keep hearing how shitty Lodi is actually. Two coworkers told me to look into Charming but I didn't see much for sale."

"Lodi ain't great. There's a few pockets where there aren't problems but it's not the best area in SanWa." When he pulled out his cash roll, Mae clasped his hand. "What? No, you paid last time."

"We'll go halves then."

"Alright," He relented easily. "One of these days I'm buying you lunch."

"Mmm hmmm, I'll believe it when I see it."


"Guess we know why she's in town." Jax motioned toward Hanna's as he and Opie headed toward the entrance. They hadn't even gotten to the cabin before Clay called them back.

Opie nodded, surprisingly disappointed after assuming she had such terrible taste in guys, and knocked on the window beside their table. "Prospect, we gotta go."

"Duty calls." Mae smirked. "I'll talk to you soon."

They stood and exited together, Mae had a flirty smile on her lips for the other two and a polite friendly hug for Half-Sack.

"Whats up?" The prospect seemed antsy as Mae strutted down toward her car. Opie watched her closely, her hips swaying with every step and her coy little smile intriguing him.

"Indian Hills, bunch of us are heading over and we need you dipshit." Jax gave him a hard thump in the back. "Get your head in the goddamn game."

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