Chapter 29

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Opie met the guys just as they were rolling out of the lot. The plan was for Chibs, Happy and Tig to pick up the solider and meet the rest of the club at the reservation. When they arrived, the man bound and gagged, Happy looked around and smiled.

"I like it here." He grumbled as he kicked the man violently to the ground at Opie's feet."It's peaceful, quiet and shit."

"You're a sick man, Hap and that's why I love ya."

Ignoring the banter, Opie crouched down and pulled the cloth sack from Kyle Wilkinson's head. Snarling as the preppy looking blonde looked up at him Opie's hands curled into fists.

"You sick fuck. You're gonna pay for what you did to her."

"I didn't do anything!" He shouted but with less fear in his voice than Opie hoped and expected.

"You think you're a tough guy? Fucking brave military man who had to pay to see a women who didn't want shit to do with you then you fucking raped her?"

"I never touched any bitch who didn't BEG for me."

"You're not scared." Opie said with disgust. "You're gonna be."


The prospects buried Kyle up to his neck and Jax and Opie took delight in watching him squeal as they raced by his head over and over again.

"Alright!" He shouted after the last pass. "Please. Stop."

"Are you scared now?" Opie hollered over his engine and he grinned manically as Kyle nodded full of fear. "Good. Now tell me you did it." He asked once he'd turned off his bike. "Tell me why."

The others watched as Opie emotionally tortured not only himself but Kyle as well. "What? Just kill me."

"I want you to admit it." He growled as he kicked dirt in Kyle's face. "And I want to know why you put her through that."

"Cause I wanted to get her back. Bitch wouldn't let me back on my platoon's next TOD. She said I wasn't stable enough. Fucking whore!"

Opie had enough. He turned the key and revved his Harley a few times before driving about a quarter mile away from Kyle. He looked at Jax and nodded before turning the throttle and decimating Kyle's skull as he raced over him. Most of the guys grimaced and turned away, except for the obvious, and the prospects knew they'd be the ones cleaning that mess up.


"I know this is difficult." Eglee said softly with shake hovering behind. "Do you remember anything?"

Mae looked down and shook her head. "I was on the swings then everything went black and I woke up here. I have no memory of anything of it."

Hale didn't believe her, or he didn't want to, but he remained tight lipped. "Jude Bardowitz. Does that name mean anything to you?"

"Yeah." Mae covered her face and hook a few slow breaths. "We were friends back in New York. I cleaned up and got out of the scene and moved away and he ended up doing some time. When he got out he came looking for me. He wouldn't stop, calls and texts and creepy photos. He did this, didn't he?" Her knuckles went white as she gripped the side of the bed, not completely show as she did feel that anxious but it was held until the proper time."

"I think you've already been told what happened to Jude."

"I'm assuming he's dead." Mae said quietly knowing it was absurd to think no one had told her.

"He is, Opie Winston killed him."

"Can't say I'll mourn that death." She said with little emotion in her voice. "Is that it?"

"For now." Eglee said with a sad kind of smile. "There may be more questions."

"I'm sure of it." Mae mumbled under her breath.

"One last thing," Hale stopped at the door. "Kyle Wilkinson, when did you see him last?"

Mae hid her reaction and swallowed back the bike that burned her throat. "It's been over a year, at least, he was a client of mine. Was he involved?"

"We believe so."

She nodded and buried her face in her hands until she heard Hale finally leave. Not long after Tara took his place at the foot of Mae's bed.

"Can I shower? Please? I need to shower."

"Of course. Opie and Jax are here. I can either have a nurse help you or if you're more comfortable I can ask Ope. I'm not sure where your head is with everything."

"I can't go alone?"

"No. Hospital policy besides I know you're still in pain and weak. It's just too dangerous."

"Okay. Ope, I guess."

Tara nodded completely understanding that choice and stepped out of the room for a moment to grab him. She didn't return but Opie slunk in anxiously. He wasn't planning on seeing her after what happened before, he was just haunting the halls for a while.


"Hey." He sounded so sad. "How are you?"

"Dirty. I need to shower. I couldn't before but I need to now."

"Tara was telling me. If you don't want me to help, I get it."

"I do, I just don't want you to freak out when you see me. Okay? Promise?"

"I promise."

She sat up slowly as he went to turn the water on for her and warm the bathroom up. Her IV was out but the port was still in her hand in case of emergencies. Swinging her legs over as Opie stepped back into the room Mae actually smiled a little at his nervous behavior.

"Can you untie me?" She gestured to her back and her smile fell as he stepped closer. "I'm sure it looks worse than it is." Mae heard him hiss as he got a full view of her bruised back and she quickly shook her head. "Forget it."

"I'm sorry."

"I don't want you to see me like this." She stuttered. "I don't want you to think I'm broken or disgusting or something. I can't do this."

"You're not disgusting and you're not broken, except your wrist really." When she smiled again he nodded supportively. "Let me help you. Please."


When the hospital gown came off completely Opie did a much better job at covering his horror. Her stomach was cut up and and horribly bruised and her thighs were practically torn to shreds by nail scratches and other cuts and of course bruises. The only thing that kept him under control was the memory of running through Kyle's head while the man screamed in terror.

"You have something to cover your cast?" He asked as they moved slowly to the bathroom with a robe over her.

"Tara said there's this Saran Wrap type shit. I'll need you to cover it for me."

Leaning against the sink as Opie gently covered her cast Mae felt such a mix of embarrassment and fear as well as love. She couldn't decide if she never wanted to see Opie again awhile she struggled through the emotional trauma or she wanted to hold him through the whole thing.

"I got your towel. I'll be right here."

"I actually need you to wash my hair." She said sheepishly. "I can't with one hand."

"Of course. I got it, babe." He said, whipping off his cut and shirt.

She didn't need to bend as Opie already towered over her but she leaned back into him as he gently massaged her hair and scalp with shampoo. He knew how much she loved him playing with her hair in bed and when he'd scratch up and down her arms as she fell asleep. He hoped it brought her some minor bit of comfort.

"Thank you." She whispered enjoying the feel of him washing her hair.

"Of course. I'll do anything for you Mae."


Hope you're all enjoying this!! Xoxo Thanks for the support

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